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The minutes ticked by. Dally was supposed to pick me up at seven o'clock and it was already seven thirty. I was almost ready to change into sweatpants and call it a night. Then the phone rang and I heard my sister answer.

"C, it's for you," she called, holding out the phone. I took it from her and put it to my ear.



"Dally! Where the hell are you?" After he explained, I hastily put down the phone and grabbed the keys from the table. "I'll be back," I muttered before shutting the door.


I pulled into the parking lot of the police station and walked inside.

"Hi Claudia. Here to post bail?" Charlie, one of the officers asked. I nodded. It was getting pathetic that the police officers knew my name because of how many times I had to come down and bail Dally out. I gave Charlie the money and waited for Dally to come out. "You're very dressed up for a visit to the police station," Charlie pointed out. I looked down at my dress and heels and sighed.

"We were supposed to have a date but you know. Can't have a date without a visit here." Charlie chuckled and went back to his paper work. When I saw Dally coming down the hallway I said bye to Charlie and left the station. I didn't even stop at the car. I just kept walking down the street.

"Claudia wait! I can explain! Claudia, just wait," Dally called from behind me. But I kept walking. I felt a hand grab my arm and spin me around. "Clau-"

"No Dally. It's my turn now. Left and right you're getting arrested and I have to bail you out every other day. I work hard for my money. I shouldn't have to keep giving it to the government because my own damn boyfriend can't keep himself out of trouble! For Christ's sake Dally, the officers know me by name. By name! And tonight we were supposed to have a nice date. Just you and me. None of the gang. Just us. But no, let's spend the night with Charlie the police officer! I can't do this anymore, Dal. I'm sorry." I couldn't bare to see the look on his face so I kept walking down the street. I also couldn't let him see me cry. I absolutely hate letting people see me cry. It showed weakness and I couldn't bare to show anyone any weakness. I turned the corner of the block and then sank to the ground with my head in my hands. I let the tears fall as I thought about what I had just let go. He was always been there for me. When my parents died, he was the one who showed up to my house first with open arms. I looked back to everything we had been through and knew that I just couldn't let him go so easily. Fighting was in my blood. And that's what I was gonna do. I stood up, wiped the tears from my face, and turned the corner to see if Dally was still there. To my dismay, he was gone. I began walking but I knew he could be doing something stupid and reckless so I sped up my pace. But different thoughts rushed through my mind so I started running. It was too hard to run in my heels so I took them off and threw them to the side of the street. Shoes were irrelevant at this point. I might have just lost the best thing that has ever happened to me.


I ran all over town looking for him. I went to my house, the Curtis's, the lot. I couldn't find him anywhere. I was shoe-less and hopeless. I wandered all around with tear-stained cheeks and a broken heart. Before I knew it, I was at the train station. The nightly train was just about getting ready to leave. The conductor was checking all of the cars for stowaways.

"You ain't lookin' for a ride, are you little lady?" the conductor asked. I shook my head. He shrugged and returned to what he was doing. I leaned against the fence and raked my fingers through my dark hair. The hope inside me was diminishing rapidly until I saw him. That tow-headed kid that was feared by all. All but me. I watched him walk beside the track with his head down until my brain registered what my eyes were seeing. I whispered his name as I stood up straight. Then I said it again louder. I began running after him.

"Dally!" I yelled as I ran as fast as my short legs could carry me. I repeated his name until he slowed to a stop. I slowed down too and stopped about twenty feet from him. "Dally," I said softly as the tears started again. He turned around slowly until our eyes met. His lips curled into a smile as did mine. I ran towards him and threw my arms around his neck. "Dally I'm so sorry," I cried into his chest. He stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head. I pulled my head away and he stroked my cheeks with his thumbs. "I didn't mean any of the things I said," I whimpered.

"I know you didn't," he said quietly as he softly kissed me. I melted into him so much so that I had to hold onto his arms for support. I never wanted the kiss to end but I was running out of oxygen. Dally looked down and frowned. "Claudia June, where are your shoes?" I giggled at his tone and shrugged.

"I lost them while I was looking for you." He shook his head slightly. Then he scooped me up in his arms bridal-style and started walking parallel with the train tracks.

"You still up for a romantic evening in town with me," he asked.

"Romantic pizza eating and TV watching? I'm all in," I smiled back before kissing his cheek. Never was I going to let him go again.

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