Two-Bit // @madyson122333

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Two-Bit imagine for @madyson122333! Hope this is what you had in mind!

"That was so much fun!" I smiled, hugging Two-Bit's side. He had just taken me dancing at this little place right outside of town. They had this great band, Eddie and the Cruisers, if I remember correctly. (The singer was a real hunk, but don't tell Two-Bit I said so.)

"Awe, I'm glad you had fun," Two-Bit replied, leaning down to kiss the top of my head. Most people would probably say that we were a real odd couple. He was about six-foot with dark red hair. I was 5'2 with brown hair that faded to blonde. (Long story.) Anyways, we were walkin' up the steps to my house when my twin brother, Sodapop, opened up the door.

"Welcome back strangers," he grinned, holding the door open for us.

"We were only gone for a few hours," I laughed as I pulled off my heels. I sighed in relief as my feet could breathe. "Two, are you gonna hang out?" He nodded as he plopped down on the couch.
"I'm gonna jump into the shower real quick," I said, heading towards the bathroom.

"Need help?" Two-Bit asked. My big brother Darry gave him a look and he put his hands up in surrender. I rolled my eyes and closed the bathroom door behind me.


My hair was still damp when I came into the living room. Two-Bit was stretched out with an open beer in his one hand, his other hand draped over the top of the couch.

"Soda, are you getttin' my boy drunk?" I asked, plopping my body beside Two-Bit.

"Nah, this is my first one," Two-Bit grinned, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I snuggled into his side and rested my head on his shoulder.

"So, what were y'all talkin' about while I was gone?" Two-Bit shrugged before taking a swig of the beer.

"Nothing really," Soda replied. "Just the future and stuff."

"Oh yeah? Two, where do you see yourself in ten years?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Well, in ten years I'll be 29. Well, I want a good job. My own place. A wife and maybe a kid. But I never really thought about it much," he admitted, playing with my hair. "What about Maddy? Ever thought about it?" I laughed.

"Are you kidding? That's all I think about. When I'm 27, ten years from now, I want to be an elementary school teacher. I want to be married with one daughter. The house we'd live in would be beautiful. Out in the country with the whole white-Pickett fence deal. A flower garden in the front and a cattle dog running around the backyard," I sighed, just thinking about it. I'd dreamed of my future since I was a little girl, when Mom and Dad were still alive. As of late, I'd picture coming home to my little girl and a certain red-headed goofball. Both would be curled on the couch, watching Mickey Mouse together. Two-Bit saying my name brought me out of my day dream.

"Maddy, I said that that sounded beautiful," he laughed.

"Really? You don't think I'm crazy?"

"No way doll. I think you're adorable." I smiled and leaned up to gently kiss his soft lips. Soda cleared his throat and I pulled away, blushing like crazy.

"I'm gonna go to bed 'cause I have work tomorrow. Don't stay up too late because you do too," Soda warned, leaving the room.

"Most people would never think that I'm the older one, considering how he treats me," I scoffed. Two-Bit chuckled and stood up, stretching his limbs. He left to throw out his beer bottle and I stood as well, also stretching.

"I'm gonna bust outta here," Two-Bit announced as he returned to the room. I walked over to him and put my hands on his cheeks.

"I love you Keith," I smiled. We'd said the "L-word" for the first time recently, but it still felt like a rush of adrenaline every time he words left my mouth. His hands slid from my waist to my back, drawing me close. He leaned down and placed a soft yet rough kiss on my lips. After pulling away he smirked.

"It's Two-Bit, but I love you too." I rolled my eyes and wriggled out of his grasp. I pulled open the front door and pointed to his car.

"Out." He laughed but followed my order. Before he left the house I pulled him back for one last quick peck. "See you tomorrow?"

"Like always," he grinned. I bit my bottom lip and smiled as I watched him jog down the steps. Before I closed the door, he called my name. I looked up and saw him standing, as if he was about to get into the driver's seat.

"I like the name Emma for a little girl." Then he climbed into his beat up '61 Ford Consul and drove away, leaving me with a stupid grin plastered to my face.

Again, sorry for the crap quality. If you want another on just ask!
~ b

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