Johnny // @jennifert31

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Johnny imagine for @jennifert31! Hope you like it!

Ex-boyfriends have got to be the worst things in all of ever. I was just hanging out with my friends at the Dingo when my ex, Brady, came up to us and started running his dirty mouth. People thing Dallas Winston is dirty? He ain't got nothin' on Brady. I left when he started getting handsy.

As I opened the door to go outside, a blast of humid Oklahoma summer air hit me like a smack across the face. Although it was night, I was still sweatin' like crazy. I was on my way to the Curtis's house when I saw my boyfriend, Johnny Cade, sitting on this car bench in the lot. In all honesty, I have no idea where that car seat bench came from. No one does. But it's become a part of the lot so everyone just leaves it alone. I pulled my blonde hair up into a ponytail before calling out Johnny's name.

"Johnny!" I yelled out as I began walking towards him, a smile plastered on my face. It was startling when Johnny didn't even look up. Usually, he was grinning like a little kid on Christmas when I came around. As I got closer, I repeated his name. "Johnny, what's wrong?" I asked, sitting besides him on the bench. He stood up as soon as I sat down and began pacing back and forth. Why was he actin' so weird?

"Jenny, why was you flirtin' with your ex-boyfriend? I thought that we was together. And when two people are goin' together, they don't usually flirt with other people do they?" he exclaimed with sudden anger. Johnny never got angry, especially not with me.

"Johnny Cade, do you think I was cheating on you?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well, yeah," he responded, pushing his long dark hair back and out of his face.

"I can't even believe that you would think that! And with Brady? Johnny, who do you think I am?" I said with hurt in my voice.

"Well, I saw him being all flirty and you were twirlin' your hair around your finger and flirting back and I-"

"Johnny," I said sternly as I stood up. He stopped his rambling and looked at me. I slid the ponytail out of my long blonde hair, shaking it loose. Johnny was staring at me with desire in his eyes but anger on his face. I walked over to him and threw my arms around his neck. "Johnny baby, I would never do anything to cause you any pain," I smiled, stroking his cheek with my thumb. "I promise, I wasn't doing nothin' with Brady." Johnny's dark eyes studied my features before giving in and smiling.

"I believe you." Then he gently brushed his lips against mine as his hands fell to my hips. I smiled against his lips and deepened the kiss. He pulled my body closer to his as we spent a lovely night beneath the stars.

(Sorry for the crap ending lol.)

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