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"Y/n, can we do something?" your boyfriend Ponyboy asks. It's summer vacation and raining cats and dogs, holding you and the gang captive inside the small house. Everyone's dealing well with the situation, except for Soda and Steve who are wrestling in the mud outside. You sit up and smooth your hair down.

"Sure. But what do you want to do?" Darry looks up from his book.

"I have cake mix in the cupboard. You can make one since Steve's outside," he suggests. Pony looks at you and grins. Then you're both racing each other to the kitchen. Once you get inside, you pull out the mix and Ponyboy gets the other ingredients. You immediately get to work, throwing things in the bowl and then you make Pony mix it because it's too hard for you. You were never the athletic type, unlike your track-star boyfriend. Once he slides it in the oven, you start to make the icing. Instead of boring ol' chocolate, you were taking vanilla and adding food coloring to make it look like a rainbow. As you mix it, Pony comes behind you and puts his finger in the bowl, scooping up a glob of icing. You smack his arm away but you weren't fast enough.

"Pony, now I have to start over!" you whine. He just chuckles and puts his hands on your waist, spinning you around. Your eyes land on the glob of icing on his lip. "You have a little somethin' there," you say, pointing to it.

Ponyboy smirks and replies, "Mind gettin' it for me?" You roll your eyes and but lean up and kiss his lips, getting rid of the icing. Then you hear the kitchen door creak open and you pull away, a deep blush making its way to your pale cheeks. Two-Bit comes in, but stops when he sees you kissing each other.

"No baby-making where my beer is, thank you very much," he says, walking around you to grab a beer. You sneak a kiss on Ponyboy's cheek and then return to your icing-making.

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