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"YOU NO GOOD, WORTHLESS, UGLY BITCH! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF!" your mother screams at you. You're used to it, but it still scares you every time. Then she pulls her hand back and smacks you clear across the face. Your cheek stings and you clutch it as you run out of the house. There's only one place you can think of to go, and that's the Curtis's to see Johnny. You ran as fast as you could until you saw the small building that was more like your home than your actual one. You burst through the door and saw Johnny sitting on the floor. He looked up when the door creaked open and jumped to his feet when he saw it was you. You ran right into his arms and he held you close. "What happened Y/n?" he asked quietly. "My m-mom was yelling at me like usual but t-hen she h-hit me and I'm scared Johnny. S-she's never done t-that before," you manage to choke out in between sobs. "Shh, it's okay baby. I got you. She isn't going to touch you again, okay?" he says in a soothing voice ad he rubs your back. You're still crying so Johnny leads you to the couch. He lies down and then pulls you down as well. He wraps his arms around you protectively and you snuggle into his side, grateful for having such a wonderful person in your life. You eventually fall asleep to the steady beat of his heart.

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