Dally // @LivelyTheRipper

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I loved my motorcycle but it was really a piece of crap. I was driving through Tulsa when it decided to break down. Just great, I thought. I walked down a little ways and saw a small gas station. I ran all the way inside. The door above the bell rung and two boys looked up.

"What can I help you with doll?" one asked. He was really muscular with brown hair, full of complicated swirls.

"My motorcycle broke down just south of here. I was wonderin' if y'all could fix it?"

"Sure thing. Just show us where it is," the other boy said. He had golden hair and a finely structured face. He was probably well-liked in this town. I led them down the road to where my motorcycle lay on the curb.

The muscular one said that it should be done in 'bout an hour. Since I was just riding though, I decided to just wait outside.

"Hey greaser!" someone called. Greaser? What the hell is that? I looked around to see if there was anyone else but it was only me. Well, me and a car full of boys. They looked much different than the boys at the gas station. These boys were dressed much nicer and their hair wasn't greased back or anything. It was short and tidy, just like their sweaters and khakis. Wimps.

They pulled up in front of me and began climbing out, one by one.

"Get 'er," one spoke. The rest all rushed at me at once. At first I was taken back by the sheer amount of violence coming towards me, but after one grabbed my shirt I came to my senses. I started fighting back, kicking and kneeing and punching whoever and wherever I could. I heard shouts around me but no one came to help me out. I mean, I could certainly handle these bozos, but some help would be nice. My lip and nose were bleeding profoundly and it was becoming hard to see out of my left eye.

"Let's dig out! This chick's crazy!" one of my assailants yelled, backing away. They all started running back towards their car. I chased after them a little bit before feeling woozy.

"Cowards! I better never see your grimy faces near me again!" I yelled as they drove off. The next thing I knew, my vision was going blurry and I was dropping to the ground.


I was able to hear things before I could open my eyes. There was a faint television show on and there were varying voices all around me. What the hell? Where am I? I forced my eyes open and looked on. For some reason, I was in a house. I didn't have a house. I sat up slowly, my head aching like a hangover.

"She's up!" someone whispered, although it was more of a hushed yell. Soon enough, a few boys filed into the room.

"Hey doll. How you feelin'?" one asked. He was the one from the gas station. I remembered him.

"How much did I have to drink," I groaned, clutching my head.

"You don't remember what happened?" someone else asked. I shook my head. "You got into a fight with a bunch of Socs!"


"Rich kids," yet another chimed in.

"Let's cut the crap: You were the best damn fighter I've about ever seen. Do you wanna join our gang?" one more asked. I looked at this boy and his face was different from the others. He wasn't concerned about me or my feelings. He just wanted a good fighter.

"I'm down with that," I said nonchalantly.

"Alright!" the one with the tattoo exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air.


"Angel, Derrick's here!" Two-Bit yelled. Ever since I'd joined the gang, Two-Bit had become an older brother to me. He'd basically taken me under his wing, and I was beyond thankful.

"Coming Two!" I yelled back, finishing up my hair. Tonight I had a date with this kid named Derrick. He was a real piece of eye candy. But I had only agreed to go out with him because I wanted to stop being so lonely. Soda had Sandy, Steve had Evie, Two-Bit had Kathy, Pony and Johnny only needed each other... I was sick of it.

I opened up the bathroom door and scurried down the hallway, my shoes barely on. "Hi Derrick," I smiled warmly.

"Hey Angel," he said in a gruff voice. I kissed Two-Bit on the cheek and followed Derrick down the stairs.

"Be home by eleven!" Two-Bit called after us.


We had been at the drive in for about an hour and shared one petty conversation - if you could call it that.

"Angel, do you want some popcorn or a Coke?"

"Sure, I'll have a Coke."

"What size?"

"Medium. Thanks."

Now we were sitting in silence as we watched the credits roll across the screen. Derrick suddenly stood up and stretched.

"I think we better get going," he said as he lifted his arms way above his head. I agreed a little too quickly.


As we were walking towards the main road, I heard someone yell behind us. Derrick and I both turned around and I saw none other than Dally Winston stumbling behind us.

"Angel, get away from that hood!" he yelled.

"Who you callin' hood, delinquent?" Derrick yelled back. I could see it in his eyes that his temper was already flaring. Just great.

"I'm surprised you know such a big word. Your head is so empty," Dally smirked. "Let me show you." With that Dally punched him square in the jaw. I gasped as my hands flew to my face. Derrick stumbled back a bit. Before I could say anything, the two were rolling on the gravel road, throwing punches and kicks. I think I even saw some spitting going on. After a while I came to my senses.

"Stop it! Stop it you two!" I yelled, throwing myself in between them. Derrick stood up in a hurry.

"That's it. I'm outta here. You ain't worth it anyway," Derrick yelled, running towards the street. I was too shocked to realize what he said.

"Dallas Tucker Winston! What the hell is your problem!" I yelled in disbelief. I wanted to punch him. He was moving his his jaw around, probably trying to pop it into place. "Well?" I asked again as minutes had gone by with no answer.

"Look Angel I... I just wanted to make sure he was gon' treat you right."

"Why do you care if he treats me right? You sure as hell don't." I scoffed, kicking a rock.

"Angel, I don't know how to tell you this... look. I don't usually admit this but I've liked you. For a while now. I just didn't know how to show it. Or tell you either. Guess I'm real bad with girls," he said lightheartedly. He chuckled a bit to himself as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. I couldn't process what he had said. Dally Winston liked... me?

"I always thought you hated me," I said quietly, playing with my red locks.

"Quite the opposite doll." Dally grinned. I locked eyes with him and saw in his eyes that he was being serious. But before I could say anything, he pressed his lips against mine. I would've fallen right over if he hadn't slipped his hands behind my back, holding me against his toned figure. I was shocked at first but the kissed back after realizing that this was what I had always wanted.



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