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"What do you mean I'm fired? This is my only source of income!" you yelled at the manager of the Dairy Queen.

"I'm sorry, but the decision is final. You'll get your last paycheck on Friday." You look him in the eye and then stomped off, throwing your apron on the ground. You would've called Soda to pick you up but it was only noon and he was still working. About halfway home, it started drizzling, but minutes later it turned into a full out downpour. You cursed under your breath and then ran into the nearest store, which was a little grocery store. You regrouped and then ventured back outside, running all the way to the DX, which was closer than home.

"Y/n, what happened to you?" Soda exclaimed as you burst into the door.

"Don't even get me started," you mumbled, walking into the back room to get a towel. You heard the door open and close after you entered and automatically knew it was Soda. You kept your back turned and began drying your hair with the towel. You looked in the mirror in the corner and cringed. All of your makeup had smeared and your hair was plastered to the sides of your face. You bit your lip and looked away, continuing to dry your hair. Then you felt hands on your hips and Soda kissed your neck. "Soda, I'm not in the mood," you sighed, breaking out of his grasp. "I'm going to go back home. You'll be home around six, right?" you ask, throwing the towel in the garage.

"Y/n, wait, let me at least drive you, okay?" You looked at him and sighed.

"Okay." [See what I did there. *wink wink*] You climbed into the car and Soda drove you home. It was silent the whole ride except for the steady rainfall. Soda pulled up to the driveway but kept the doors locked.

"Y/n, what's the matter? You know you can tell me anything." You looked at him and gently kissed him.

"I'll tell you later, okay?" Then you got out of the car and ran to the house. Once you got inside, you immediately ran into the room Soda and you shared and changed into nice dry clothes. When you returned to the living room, Ponyboy was curled on the couch with a book. I sat down on the recliner and turned on the TV. All I did was watch the news until about five thirty. "Hey Pony, you hungry?" you asked. Ponyboy looked up and nodded. You went into the kitchen and started cooking spaghetti and meatballs. It would be a nice surprise for Darry and Soda to come home to. Especially on a disgusting day like today. You were just putting the food on the table when they walked in.

"Hey babe," Soda smiled as he kissed your cheek.

"Hi," you chirped. "Go get changed, you're all greasy," you giggled, scrunching up your nose. Soda left to change and then Darry came in. "Hey Dar," you smiled. Darry smiled at you and then left to get changed as well. Ponyboy came in and helped you with the rest of the food and the drinks. Soda and Darry came in and you all sat down and enjoyed a nice hot meal together as a family. Sure, they weren't your blood relatives but they were just as much your brothers as Soda's.

"Y/n, that was amazing," Soda said as he helped you clean up the dishes. Darry and Ponyboy had retired to the living room.

"Thanks," you said quietly. How on Earth were you going to tell Soda that you lost your job? "Oh, I almost forgot. I grabbed this yesterday from work," you said, pulling out a chocolate cake from the back of the fridge. It was a good thing that you had hidden it and forgotten because you had the biggest sweet tooth. Soda eyed it hungrily and you pushed him away. "Go in the living room. I don't trust you," you laughed. Soda pouted but followed your order. You cut up four pieces of cake, put them on plates, added a fork and brought the food to the boys. Soda jumped up so fast that he almost knocked every slice out of your hands. "Soda!" you scolded. But you couldn't stay mad at him for long. He had icing smeared all over his face, making him look like a puppy. You sat down next to him and inhaled your cake just as quickly as he did.

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