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"So guys, what do you want to do? We can't just sit here all day," you asked. You were stuck at your best friend's house in the midst of a blizzard. You rarely got snow in Oklahoma, but when you did, it was extreme. You were on your way home from school when it began to snow, You were closer to the Curtis's then home so you went there instead. Three hours and four inches later, it looked like you were staying the night.

"I don't know. Truth or dare? Spin the bottle?" your best friend since pre-k, Sodapop asked. You narrowed your eyes at him because you were the only girl in the midst of seven boys.

"Ha ha very funny. I'll play truth or dare!" Everyone else agreed so Darry and Soda moved the couches in the living room to make room for the eight of you. Just as you sat down the doorbell rang. You exchanged a glance with Soda, wondering who on earth could be here in this storm. You opened the door and a rush of cool air chilled you to the marrow in your bones, making your whole body shake. You saw your four best friends, [making up names😂] Leah, Korrie, Taylor, and Ali. "Hi guys!" you exclaimed.

"Who is it?" Dally yelled from the kitchen. You felt your cheeks blush and your stomach erupted into a zoo of butterflies. Leah raised her eyebrows and Korrie winked at you. These four girls and Soda were the only ones who knew how much of a crush you had on Dally. But at this point, you weren't even sure if it was a crush anymore. You were madly in love with him and almost positive he didn't feel the same. "Well?" he asked again, his voice louder so you assumed he had gotten closer.

"The girls," you squeaked as they pushed past you into the warm house. You quickly shut the door to stop any more heat from escaping and rubbed your arms.

"You cold over there Madi?" Dally asked again. You nodded your head but then explained that you'll get over it.

"MADI!" Soda yelled.


"WE CAN PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE NOW!" You rolled your eyes and sat down on the couch, pulling your legs under you.

"I know your all dying to kiss me but I don't want to kiss any of y'all." Soda chuckled and Leah raised her eyebrows at you again. You gave her the stink eye and she backed off.

"Madi, come on, come down here," Soda beckoned you to sit in the circle.





"I'll leave."

"Fine." You smiled triumphantly and then headed up the stairs to get a blanket. Where are they, where are they... you muttered to yourselves as you opened every closet upstairs. You finally opened the right closet but you weren't tall enough to reach it. You cursed under your breath as you stood on your tiptoes to try and get it down. All of a sudden you saw an arm reach up and grab it with ease, pulling it down for you. "Thanks," you said. Then you looked up and saw that it was Dally. Don't freak out, don't freak out. Stay chill, you told yourself. "Thanks Dally," you said softly. He smiled one of his rare smiles.

"No problem." Then you wrapped the blanket around your shoulders and walked downstairs with Dally following. You plopped on the floor with the blanket wrapped tightly around you and Soda sat to your left and Dally sat across from you. Everyone gathered around eventually and you all began to play.

"So," Soda smirked, "Truth or Dare Madi?" You fiddled with your charm bracelet that your mother had given you.

"Truth." Everyone booed you but you just rolled your eyes.

"Hm... anyone got anything?"

"Soda you can't do that!"

"Don't tell me what I can and can't do woman." You laughed and the group started discussing what they should ask you. Five minutes passed and you were getting annoyed.

"ITS NOT A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH JUST ASK ME A QUESTION!" Everyone chuckled and then Soda spoke up.

"Favorite make-out session?" You felt your cheeks heat up and everyone saw it.

"What kind of a question is that?"

"One you have to answer," Two-Bit replied. You narrowed your eyes at him and then mumbled a name.

"Who was that?" Steve asked.

"Kevin Whites," you mumbled. Everyone started laughing, especially Soda, so you smacked his arm to get him to shut up. "Okay, Ali, truth or dare?" you asked.


"I dare you to eat a peanut butter, ONLY peanut butter sandwich without a drink of any kind." It may sound stupid, but it's torturous. Don't believe me? Try it then. Ali whined about it but did it anyway. As she tried to swallow it, her eyes widened as she realized that she couldn't. Then she began waving her hand in front of her mouth like a madwoman. Everyone was hysterically laughing. Eventually, she swallowed it and came over and smacked your arm. You laughed again and Ali sat back in her spot.

"Okay, Leah, it's your turn."


You played for hours. But it got later, and everyone got loopier. About an hour ago Two-Bit brought out the beer and you had helped yourself to two. You had a low-tolerance for alcohol so you were pretty drunk by the time you finished your second. The only people not drinking were Soda, Ali, and Ponyboy.

"Guys, let's play Spin the Bottle!" Soda exclaimed. Everyone happily agreed.

"Here, use my bottle!" you offered, finishing the last few drops in your beer bottle. Soda grabbed it and set it in the middle.

"Since it's your bottle, you go first Madi," Steve suggested.

"Why not," you giggled. You leaned forward and gave the bottle a good spin. It spun and spun and spun and finally stopped. Your eyes followed the neck of the bottle straight and then up. Your own eyes were soon met by the big, brown, beautiful eyes of Dallas Tucker Winston. If possible, your eyes widened and you sat there in shock.

"Come on Madi," Soda encouraged, pushing you towards Dally.

"I-I'm not comfortable with this," you exclaimed, running outside. The door slammed behind you and you ran down the street, stopping at the corner of Pickett and Sutton. [😏] You were breathing heavily and shivering. The snow had stopped falling and people had shoveled, but your feet were still numb. You thought Soda or someone would come after you, but no one came. You should've known. No one cared about you like you had thought. All of a sudden, you heard a deep voice.

"Madi, are you insane?" You turned around and saw Dally running towards you.

"I think so," you mumbled.

"Have I offended you in any way or somethin'?" You looked him in the eye and then shook your head. "Then why did you run like that? Shit, Madi, your gonna get sick come here." Dally walked over to you, and scooped you up in his arms.

"Dally! Put me down!" you squealed.

"Nah, I'm good." You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Hey, I'm pretty sure you owe me a kiss."

"I didn't think you wanted me to..." you trailed off. Then you felt a warm pair of lips crash against yours. Tingles ran through your arms, your legs, everywhere. Dally pulled away and smiled his genuine Dallas Winston smile at you. "I though you never would." You giggled.

"Hey Madi, can I ask ya something crazy?"


"Will you be my girl?"

"I thought you'd never ask," you smiled widely as you pressed your lips to Dally's again.

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