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"Thanks Lynn, for telling me," you sigh, hanging up the phone. Your best friend just called, telling you that she saw your boyfriend Steve kissing another girl. Before you started crying, you wanted to hear the story from the cheater himself. Steve was supposed to be at the store getting milk, not cozying up to other girls. You waited another 20 minutes and then Steve burst through the door of your apartment with two brown paper bags in his hands. "Veronica, I'm home!" he called, walking into the living room. You were sitting in the recliner with your arms folded and a stern look on your face. "Hello Steven." He looked at you strangely. You never called him by his full name, unless you were angry or upset. In this case, you were both. "Babe, what's wrong?" he asked, setting the bags down and walked over to you. "Would you like to explain why Lynn called me 20 minutes ago and told me that she saw you kissing another girl? After all we've been through and you don't have the audacity to break up with me before locking lips with another girl?" you ask, getting madder every second. His eyebrows furrow as if he's confused. But then the big brown eyes that you fell for three years ago widen as he understands what you're talking about. "V, just listen. Please listen to what I have to say," he pleads. "Fine." "So, I was on my way to the store when Diana came out of nowhere and starts sweet talking me. I tried to tell her that I had a girlfriend, but she wasn't listening. Then she shoved me against the wall and started kissing me but I didn't kiss back, I swear!" Diana was Steve's ex. From three years ago. You stand up as tears well up. "That's bull Steve! She broke up with you! Why would she try and get you back? And why wait now? If you were going to lie, I wish you would've made it more believable than that!" you yell. By now, you're crying extensively. "Veronica, I swear to God that's the whole truth! I could never even THINK about being with anyone but you. I wouldn't be the man I am today if it weren't for you! Please V, you have to believe me!" he yells back. You soften when you see that he is tearing up. Steve never cries. Ever. That's when you know that he was telling the truth. You run over to him and wrap your small arms around his neck. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you Steve. I just love you so much and-" "It's okay baby. I love you too."

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