01 | On the run

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For you, life is good

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For you, life is good.

You have a stable income, lots of acquaintances, your own house, and peace. Though it came with a price, you were glad to be living this kind of life at the young age of twenty-five.

You worked as a tailor- fixed, made, and patched up different types of clothing. May it be simple shirts, yukata's, montsuki's, and more. As long as you were being paid the amount you were promised, then you can make things work. However, as clients come and go, you had to think of another way to earn.

So you decided to think about a plan.

Your job on the sidelines was to gather intel for some people working for one of the four clans; the Gojo clan. You work with a man named Nanami Kento who was also disguised as a normal civilian. A baker, to be more specific.

Though after a stressing week of working nonstop, you had decided to take a day off. You are now currently taking a stroll in a forest near your house.

"Ah.." you sigh, inhaling the fresh air. You admired the pretty green trees and how the leaves swayed.

"It's been a while since i've been out." you say to yourself, continuing to walk around. You didn't have to worry about getting lost since you've been around for long enough.

But if something did want to mess with you..

The thought crossed your mind, and you stopped to pat the side of your thigh. There you could feel a dagger in it's sheath on your pants, held around your leg with a makeshift band you made. Ever since you took your second job, Nanami had always warned you; no one can never be too sure about what can and can't attack them.

"Kento told me i was a decent fighter, but it still felt like an insult." you mutter to yourself.

As you were going to resume your stroll and probably head back home to cook your dinner as the sun was now close to setting, you hear rustling from behind a bush.

'Hm?' you furrow your brows, eyes narrowing. You look around the forest, and everything seems to be normal.

Suddenly, you hear a groan; it sounded like someone was in pain. This is where your curiosity gets the best of you.

You hold out your arm in front of you, and you began channeling your cursed energy.

Cursed technique . .

While you were about to activate your technique, you had suddenly remembered; human or not, if you had used your technique on them, they might die.

If they die.. Then they die on your property.

You imagined three scenarios. One, someone investigating the area and discovering a corpse, two, people finding out that a civilian like you have such a lethal technique, and three..

You loosing both of your jobs.

Not wanting your life to go downhill just because of murder, you click the roof of your tongue, and you hesitantly pull out your weapon before approaching the tree near the suspicious bush.

'No killing, okay?! None of that!'

'I'm a clean person! Plus, i don't like washing stains off of white shirts!'

You inhale sharply as you neared where the sound was coming from. You expected to see an injured civilian, or an animal that sounded like a human, but what you saw was.. Highly unexpected.

There lie on the ground, supposedly landing harshly on a bush, was none other than Gojo Satoru. The next heir to the Gojo family and the user of both the six eyes and limitless technique.

You were surprised to see someone of high status so.. Filthy and vulnerable. Wasn't he supposed to be dressed in the most expensive tsumugi and look the best?

At least that's what they told you.. You only knew about the heir of the Gojo family through your connections and people who came to you for inside information.

"Go.." you stammer, hiding your blade, "Gojo-sama? What are you doing here?"

The man grits his teeth, struggling to say anything. Your eyes follow the finger he brings up to point at his leg. His ankle was broken.

"What the hell happened..?" you murmur, brows furrowed as you squat down to look at him. Like usual, he wore a white bandage around his eyes, but was still able to see through them.

"Ran.. Away." Satoru huffs, "And broke my bones."

You place a hand on his ankle, and he throws his head back in pain. You pull away, surprised by the reaction.

"Does it hurt..?"

He looks up, eyes not meeting yours, but it seems like he was glaring at you. You sweatdrop as he spoke.

"Of course it does! It's broken!"

Satoru just wanted to escape the hell hole he used to call a home, but now an injury stops him?

His relatives had taken away the only two people keeping him sane and behave; Shoko Ieiri and Geto Suguru. The higher-ups knew that Satoru was reaching his limit and his patience was turning thin, but they didn't know that he was capable of running away. Excluding what he was taught inside his home, Satoru knew nothing about living with normal humans.

But since he didn't want to be controlled anymore as he was already twenty-five fucking years old, Satoru decided to rebel as if he was a teenager all over again.

However, besides being sent into his room to think about his rebellious acts, the penalty he'll receive for running away was going to be more intense.

'Should i use my reverse cursed technique?' Satoru curses himself. He had been running, adrenaline high, and then suddenly trips like an idiot.

He tried to walk normally, but ended up collapsing on a bush.

You thought, 'should i knock him out?!'

"Gojo-sama." you call, grabbing his attention, "Let me help."

Satoru hesitated for a bit.

"Lame." he chuckles, "Me? Helped?" he tried sitting up, only to fail as his broken ankle continued to ache, 'fuck!'

You raise a brow.

"Should i leave you then?" you ask, "you're going to die here. It's going to be dark soon, and i'm sure you're too weak to fight off curses."

Satoru replies.

"You just want the.. The money."



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