05 | Playing 'family'

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"You know what's more amazing?"

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"You know what's more amazing?"

"Satoru, we're letting him stay temporarily. Please don't.."

You trail off, turning to face the man. He flashes you an innocent smile, as if he hasn't been disturbing your sleep.

The two of you share a room, but slept on seperate futons. You two may be close after working together for two years, though the both of you still respected eachothers boundaries and personal space.

"Temporarily?" he ask, voice hush, "Yuji has no place to stay and no parents to guide him. I mean, i'm not saying that we should take him in but.."

You sit up, head turning to Satoru who was still laying down. Even if you don't meet his eyes, you knew he was looking at you.

'He has to sleep with bandages on. I should sew him something..'

"I know." you say, "I'm down to take him in as long as he works. He can be my errand boy or something."

Of course, providing for three people meant working harder to earn money. You and Satoru have a steady income as you are one of the best tailors at the moment, but it wouldn't hurt if Itadori worked too, right?

Everything came with a price.

Satoru chuckles, shifting his position until he laid flat on his back, eyes on the ceiling.

"You have a big heart." he says, making you smile. You raise a hand before running them through his hair. You remove the strands on his face.

You love being praised.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm great." you chuckle before pulling away, "anyways, i'm gonna go check on Yuji. I think now's the right time to ask more about him."

You say, standing up and beginning to exit your shared room. Satoru says a goodnight and that he won't be awake by the time you get back.

This leaves you smiling, wondering how you managed to snatch a caring and nice roommate. His good looks and charisma is a bonus.

'I expected him to act like a brat since he used to be part of a high-class family.' you thought, careful not to make a sound as you rounded the corner to Itadori's room.

'But the only thing he refused to do was to hunt animals for food.' you smile, recalling the memories of Satoru from two years ago.

He hated the smell of raw meat and animals blood. He had felt a little embarrassed when you decided to do the hunting. You may ask; why resort to the hard way of getting food?

Well, meat sold in the market isn't always cheap, you know?

"is he still awake..?"

You mutter, now standing in front of Itadori's door. You were hesitant to knock since you assumed the boy's already asleep- he did have a rough day. His home was burned and he still isn't comfortable enough to tell you and Satoru about what happened to his family.

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