49 | Race against time

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Kenjaku calls out, voice echoing throughout the large trees.

The sun is starting to set. A lot has happened to the sorcerers in such little time, but the curses are yet to make their grand entrance.

Sitting in the depths of Y/N's forest is an abandoned home filled to the brim with creatures created out of cursed energy, ready to attack at any given time. It's a shame that Kenjaku never acquired a better body and technique before he executes his plans- atleast the drugs he created were helpful to some extent.


Ah, there the blue haired curse is. Following behind him is Jogo, Hanami, and the silent Dagon.

"Are you ready to go?" the man with stitches questions, "Fighting in the dark is fine with me, but not ideal."

"Don't sweat it!" Mahito waves a hand dismissively, "We're gonna win anyway. Without Gojo Satoru, they're done for."

Jogo rolls his eyes, "Use your damn brain. There are more sorcerers than curses like us. You'll get yourself exorcised before you meet Sukuna and i fucking hope that happens."

"Now, now. Jogo's right. Even with the drugs, there's no telling how the fight will end." Kenjaku continues.

"Our objective for tonight is to release a thousand curses in Tokyo and kill every sorcerer that crosses our paths. We'll start here, maybe find somewhere crowded, and work our way to the Gojo clan."

Mahito hums, "Hmm.. Kind of a boring plan, but i hope i get to fight that Sumida guy again!~"

"It's better to stay cautious." Hanami chimes in, "Specially when Sukuna's out there."

Kenjaku seems to be reminded of something. He snaps his fingers, "Ah, speaking of the king of curses.. Mahito, did you do what i told you to?"

"Yup." the curse says, "Feeding poor Itadori six more fingers should've been enough to trigger him, but surprisingly enough, Sukuna hasn't shown himself!"

Two were stolen and the cursee managed to find six. A total of eight fingers. Twelve more to go before Sukuna's original powers are restored.

"Oh? Well, he'll show himself soon enough."

The man with stitches chuckles, a dark glint in his eyes. The look doesn't fit Junpei at all, but it certainly fits Kenjaku himself.

"We'll stir up trouble as much as we can. Lets make Tokyo a paradise for curses!"

 Lets make Tokyo a paradise for curses!"

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