03 | Lantern

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A smile tugs on the corner of your lips as you hear Satoru's voice echo in your home. He seemed to be in the dining room.

You couldn't believe that time has passed by so fast; it's been two whole years since you met this man, and two years since the Gojo clan lost their precious heir. Too bad for them- Satoru was having the time of his life living with you.

Amazing food, home to stay in, and he's free to do what he wants. This was similar to the life he dreamed of having.

"Did you go and visit Kento?" you raise a brow, watching him eat a piece of banana breaf. He hums, offering you a slice.

"Nanamin was rude." Satoru says, "As always."

You snort, taking a seat in front of him. It didn't surprise you that he had his bandages on. They look brand new, and you assume that these were newly changed.

"You? Where have you been?" he ask, a brow raised. His voice was slightly muffled as he was stuffing his mouth with bread.

You shrug, "Somewhere."

Satoru's curious eyes followed your every move. Up until now, and after the two year he spent working for you, it seems like you're still a mystery waiting to be solved.

No surname, no family, no past, and no technique. Yet he could definitely sense cursed energy. Something seemed odd.

"Somewhere..?" he questions.

"Delivered Utahime her requested miko." you say, taking a bite of your bread, "You know, what she uses for sorcerer stuff?"


"Sorcerer, you say..?" he starts, "Y/N, i have a question.."

You kept your calm, already knowing that he was going to pry in topic you still didn't want to discuss. However, as to not appear suspicious and hiding something, you hum.


Satoru takes a last bite out of his food. You could feel his eyes on you.

"You said you were one, right?"

He receives a nod from you.

"So.." he starts, "What did you do as a sorcerer?"

He ask, genuinely curious and desperate to get an answer. From the amount of times you were successful with dodging this question, he hoped this was his chance to get a proper reply.

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