35 | Act one

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"He's going to be fine~"

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"He's going to be fine~"

Mahito coos to himself while his grin widens, standing over a roof with a ragged cloak draped on his shoulders. The wind blows his fringes and his poorly tied hair, constantly hitting his face. He doesn't move a hand to fix it- having stands of hair brush through his eyes isn't much of a nuisance for him anyway.

His mischievous grin grows as he watches the fight that's about to happen below, itching to be in Eso's place instead of being a spectator. It was only a matter of time until he feels the need to intervene and join in on the fun.


Y/N huffs, the concentrated blood that she shot at the curse in front of her was blocked by a wing that is also created frkm blood. Taken aback with the attack, Eso's eyes widen slightly. That... That piercing blood looked awfully familiar.

He shakes his head.

"Don't interfere with business, woman!"

'Oh what?!' Y/N panicks, 'Is he returning the attack to me?!'

The curse yells, sending a stream of blood to Y/N while she quickly uses her arm to block it, wincing when it makes contact with her skin. There was no running and she wouldn't want the buildings nearby to be wrecked if she even tried avoiding the attack.

Eso waited for the flowers that usually appeared on his victims to bloom, only for the curse to be disappointed and worried when nothing appears on Y/N's face.

'What is this? Her body rejecting the poison? Impossible!'

The woman quickly recovers from the blow she took, now pulling out needles from her now bleeding limb and running up to the curse- for some reason, the blood that was shot at her felt lethal and it alerted her body though nothing seems to be happening to her.

She gulps. This won't happen unless it was blood that was identical... Or blood that belonged to her.

'But that's impossible! Unless..!'

Eso swings his fist as Y/N came running to him with needles on her skin. Once she closed the distance, she stuck them through his right arm.

The curse hits her with cursed energy on his hand, making Y/N collide with the wall of the bar beside her.

She huffs, pushing herself off. The girl snaps her fingers, Eso's arm that was embedded with needles suddenly exploding.


Releasing the cursed energy used to create the needles made it explode. As a Kamo whos blood was mixed with another curse user, her blood is much more different but she does have a few restrictions. Fortunately, Y/N found a way to use all of those disadvantages to create her own unique set of moves that not even a Kamo can do.

One of them? A switch to return her needles back to blood that was previously created and held together with cursed energy- ending it with a big POP!

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