26 | 'Why?'

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"You boys like it?"

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"You boys like it?"

Walking to their home. The sun has turned orange and the air is starting to get cold.

Multiple sticks with dango, a bleeding lady that's happy to see the two enjoying the treat, and kids who are happily munching away on their snacks. Itadori who has half a sleeve and his cheeks full, hums in delight as an answer to her question.

Fushiguro, on the other hand, only nods before continuing to eat.

You sigh. It's been a long day indeed.

"What will we tell Satoru?" Itadori gulps down his food, "Wouldn't he be.. Angry?"

Chills run down Fushiguro's spine. No one would want to make the Gojo Satoru's blood boil or else hell might break loose.

The shikigami user remembers listening on conversations that happened between the four clans- of course, since he's the future heir, he needs to be there.

How does it go?

Depending on what Satoru's feeling, then it might end well or he'll end up doing some serious damage. The tension is only with the Zen'in and Gojo clan so once Satoru starts an argument, the Inumaki and Kamo clan leaders would either watch as chaos unfold or walk out the room. Nowadays, meetings like that rarely happen. Fushiguro had only met the other clan leaders once.

When Satoru disappeared, the gatherings never happened again.

He's smart and a critical thinker but Satoru just likes to mess around and refuse to take things seriously so they can end the meetings early. As much as he likes getting into other peoples nerves, it's not so fun seeing Naoya speaking for the zen'in clans head; Zen'in Naobito.

You bite the inside of your cheek.

"It's best that you don't tell him anything. I'll handle this.."

Itadori stops in his tracks, brows furrowed. Both you and Fushiguro turn to him when the two of you hear him halt.

"Miss Y/N.." he lowers the dango away from his mouth, "Why do you keep so much secrets?"

You can see the genuine confusion in his face. You would then shake your head, proceeding to throw away the empty stick that you held in your hand.

You understand that he's probably concerned about whatever it is you're trying to hide, but reassuring him that it's nothing bad would only make him more curious- Itadori's not a three year old and he has a brain. He would know you're lying.

A man wearing a cloak snatched you earlier and even stabbed you with a knife! To make things more complicated, you seem to know who that man is and was trying to keep Fushiguro silent for some reason. That's definitely something bad.

Itadori feels left in the dark but he can't just say that- it's embarrassing and you might think he keeps prying into other people's business. You seem to get along with Fushiguro well despite having Itadori for longer.

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