16 | Trust

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"Mind explaining?"

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"Mind explaining?"

Satoru asks with his arms crossed over his chest, his tone is calm as if letting you know that you can take your time with answering his question.

You gulp, a little nervous.

You two are currently in your workshop with you sitting on a chair and Satoru leaning againts a wall close to the door. He had asked to talk with you in private after Fushiguro left to rest for the night. Though you were tired, you couldn't refuse- since he's the only other adult in the house, he also needed to know what's happening.

He hates being left in the dark.

Satoru waits patiently. Behind the blindfold, his eyes are only on you.

"Satoru, i'm sorry.." you play with your fingers, "I promise i won't keep any more secrets."

That's definitely a lie. You haven't told him about wether or not you have a jujutsu and is a sorcerer, plus even stories about your childhood you can't tell. How would the man know that you'll keep your promise?

Satoru waves a hand dismissively, "i know, but you could've atleast told me about it sooner."

"Yeah, right.." you look at him, "Besides the two missing cursed charms, there's one more problem."

"There's someone, more specifically a sorcerer killer, roaming around Tokyo." you continue to explain, "Fushiguro
and Nobara aren't safe."

"Huh?" for Satoru, the name sounded familiar, "A sorcerer killer?"

He repeats what you had said and you nod.

So many problems happening all at once, and somehow Satoru think it's exciting rather than stressful. It's been a while since he heard news like this- Tokyo's so uneventful yet is still so busy.

"Fushiguro mentioned Utahime's students earlier, so i think i'll pay her a visit." you stand up from your chair, "Are you up to stay at home and protect Fushiguro ?"

"Depends. Why's it only Megumi ?" Satoru shrugs with a smile, and you could only continue to stare at him. He knew exactly what you're hinting at, but he'd rather have you say it than him assuming stuff.

You grit your teeth.

"It's Toji Zen'in ." you say.

'Hm..?' Satoru's impressed. Just how close are you with the gojo clan and even such information you can get? Isn't the man, who's seen as a disgrace and less of a human being due to his lack of cursed energy, supposed to be kept as a secret?

It's been nine years since Satoru last saw and known Toji, but somehow the man still left a large impact on him. Well, just imagine having a man ambush you out of nowhere and kill two of your trusted maids- that's a horrible sight to see as a teenager, and to make it worse, Geto also had to witness it.

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