07 | Nobara Kugisaki

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Two weeks has passed since Satoru brought an unconcious Itadori home

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Two weeks has passed since Satoru brought an unconcious Itadori home.

And to be honest? It has been both the most stressful and happiest that you have been. At first, both you and Satoru didn't mind having Itadori around, but the longer the boy stays did the both of you notice something odd about him.

This was always what you asked eachother,

'Do you feel the cursed energy?'

You knew Satoru only has his infinity activated outside of the house since he actually felt safe enough to let his guard down around you, and Satoru also knew that although you did have a jujutsu, your curse energy is weak. Almost like it's barely there.

When you asked Nanami about it, the man also confirms that he had noticed the same thing. The thought of Itadori possibly hiding something from you two isn't impossible, but..

"He's asleep."

Satoru whispers, now closing the door to Itadori's room. He turns to you, folding his arms across his chest.

The man raises a brow, though it isn't visible through the layer of bandage covering his face.

"It's four in the afternoon. How is he sleeping?" he ask, genuinely curious.

The two of you now began to walk away from the boys room. You're now headed to the kitchen.

"Both Ino and Yuji worked overtime and the bakery was swarmed with customers." you explain, "Kento probably felt bad and let them leave early."

Both you and Satoru had already planned things out; one of you has to investigate Itadori's former home and try to figure out what's happening with him.

Some may say that you shouldn't pry too much, but cursed energy doesn't magically appear in a person's body.. Especially energy that's strong.

You make a mental note to tell Itadori afterwards when you return tonight. You wanted him to know from you rather than somebody else.

"You sure you'll be fine?" Satoru ask, "I can come with you?"

You shake your head with a smile, "you've done enough damage to my property, Satoru."

He chuckles, watching as you put on a cloak that you placed on the table. The both of you are now in the kitchen where you would leave the house using the back doorm

"Ah right.."

Satoru doesn't want to admit that he's a little worried. Though you are an independent woman, he still has his doubts. Most definitely when it came to the topic of the jujutsu world.

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