24 | Behind the mask

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An afternoon after Sukuna's first appearance

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An afternoon after Sukuna's first appearance. The two ladies are inside the house with Itadori.

"Y/N asked you to accompany her?"

Satoru ask, wiping off the sweat on his forehead. His hands felt cold and he began to feel how pruny his fingers are getting, but nonetheless, he wasn't going to stop now with doing chores- which is washing clothes.

Over the course of two years, he already has a clear picture on how to do stuff around the house. He could've left Y/N to do the work, but seeing as she almost cracked her bones yesterday, Satoru decided to suck it up and try to clean the clothes.

Something in him just didn't want to see the woman tire herself out. A weird feeling.

"Yeah. Once Kugisaki leaves." Fushiguro responds, nose scrunching as he continues to sweep the ground. He wonders how much trees have been burnt that ash spread through the forest and reached the house.

He looks over to Satoru. How funny.. Two men from powerful clans and they're doing household chores? Although Fushiguro has to admit.. This is better than having nothing to do or clan duties.

He'll just have to see where this goes.

"You look bothered." Satoru chuckles, looking up from the clothes he's scrubbing, "Anything on your mind, Megumi?"

The boy spares the adult a glance, shaking his head, "Nothing. Actually, you're bothering me right now."



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"Now that they're gone.."

Gojo stands up from where he was crouching, admiring the single plank he hammered down onto the wall. Wood barely covered the hole, but hey, he has to make things sound believable so they'll leave the house.

Gojo's eyes dart outside. Even from behind the blindfold, he can see a clear outline of a body- a person with cursed energy, trying to hide in the trees; not too long has passed since Sukuna made himself known and there's already trouble that he needs to deal with?

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