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Gojo fell silent

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Gojo fell silent.

He could hear his heart thumping- as if he was suddenly shot with adrenaline and his body is starting to react. This is a feeling he haven't experienced ever since Riko and Kuroi's passing.. What a coincidence. Toji caused this once again.



He repeats the name in his mind until it gets irritating and unbearable. The face of the woman he trusted most started to appear blurry to him, now morphing into the man known as the most evil sorcerer known to man- Noritoshi Kamo. They're related? You have been nothing but kind to him. For the past two years, Gojo never saw any ill intent with your actions.

Is this betrayal? Why does..

..It feel familiar?

He should be used to it by now with how many secrets you've hid from him, but Gojo can't even bring himself to give you a glance. This.. This is a different kind of pain.

'I should've expected this.'

'Why.. Why am i still surprised?'

He's frustrated. He's furious. He wants to drop to his knees and maybe destroy the world. But for some reason, his body won't move an inch. He wants to wreck havoc and let his emotions get the best of him. He wants to feel what it's like to finally crack.

But he can't move.

"Satoru, i can explain-"

You tried to grab his attention by taking his arm but much to your surprise, your hand stops in mid air just as you were about to make contact with him.

Your eyes widen.

'He.. He's using it againts me. Againts me!' you gulp, watching as your hand started to shake, 'He never does this to me.. He always felt safe with me and Satoru keeps his guard down when he's with me!'

You're starting to freak out. It's clear that he's angry at you. You feel your chest tightening and heart dropping to your stomach- is this the end?

You move your gaze from Gojo to the grinning Toji. Is he enjoying the show?

Your blood began to boil.

"UGH!" you exclaim out of frustration, pulling out needles from your arm before running to the man,


The man places his revolver back to its holster. He would then reach for the sword strapped to his back, pulling it out.

Toji let's out a deep chuckle, his cursed weapon prepared to strike. His green eyes filled with mischief observes you- your eyes are blown wide and your emotions seems to be controlling you like a puppet on strings. This is amusing.

SAIKYŌ ─  Gojo S.Where stories live. Discover now