23 | Departure

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Y/N cups the girls face, a sweet smile on her face. She uses her thumb to wipe off Kugisaki's tears- the girl doesn't even know why she's tearing up over something as simple as leaving the home she had temporarily stayed in.

Yeah.. Why would she get emotional over this? It's not like she had fun spending her days with the four of them despite Satoru being a nuisance.. It's not that she liked exploring Tokyo with Y/N and eating bread in the afternoon with Itadori and Fushiguro.. And it's not that she'll miss them.

The rush she felt when this Sukuna guy showed up.. It's been a while since she had been in a fight that intense.

"Make sure to visit, 'kay?" Y/N would say, pulling the girl into an embrace.

"Of course.." Kugisaki cracks a smile.

She's finally going to Kyoto and see her beloved best friend. The teen clenches her fist, scrunching up Y/N's clothes.

In just a few weeks and they already have a strong connection. However, Kugisaki's strong- she can always visit them! Once she gets a job that pays well, she would make sure she sees them often. Kugisaki will never get tired of seeing Itadori's stupid face, Fushiguro always looking tired, Satoru with his ugly grin, and Y/N.


As if their moment was interrupted, both ladies turn their heads to Satoru- who's trying to contain his laughter. The two boys beside him would then face the other direction, not wanting to face Kugisaki's wrath.

"What?! Why are you laughing?!" there it is.

"Ah, nothing! Nothing!" Satoru says, "You two look funny."

Y/N sighs. She then unwraps one of her arms from the hug, now gesturing Satoru to come closer, "C'mere, you three, say goodbye to Nobara."

The white haired man is quick to join along with Itadori, taking the stop beside Y/N and wrapping an arm on her shoulder. An irk mark appears on Kugisaki's forehead, threatening Itadori to not get too close. The boy chuckles nervously- he'll definitely miss his friend.

"..No thanks." Fushiguro refuses, awkwardly watching as the four of them embrace. The lack of affection given to him left the boy unable to think of what to do in situations similar to these; what should he do when he's invited to a group hug?

"Come on, Fushiguro!"

Itadori reaches out a hand to the boy, a bright smile tugging the corners of his lips. The shikigami user gulps, hesitating.

"We don't have all day." Y/N chuckles, "Don't be so shy."

'He's not.. He just doesn't know what to do.' the woman already has a clear idea as to what kind of family the Zen'ins are. While Megumi and his aunts are an exception, being shy and having shame is the last thing they Zen'ins would ever have.

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