37 | Journey to hell

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"Toru..? Satoru.."

You let out a yawn, calling the white haired man as you enter the house- you expected him to be awake since you technically asked him to wait for your arrival. It's dark inside but you made no effort in finding a lantern to light up.

You wanted to sleep. To rest.

To release your anger and frustrations.

Itadori has been suffering- you're sure of that but never had enough time to confront and to to him about it. Maybe Fushiguro and Kugisaki were experiencing the same too, but someone you want to focus on is the first child you basically took in your home.

Kugisaki's letter can wait for another day or two. She's not the type of girl to pout and throw a tantrum just because you, a busy woman, can't even send her a letter asking if she's adjusting well in her new home. And Fushiguro's definitely not trying his best to think of a way to find his missing sister.

Yup! The boy's not tired of sitting around and waiting, scared to see where the hell his only family was sent to!

'I'm.. Horrible.'

You thought, a sigh leaving your lips. You raise your free hand to your head, rubbing your temples and hoping that a few massages here and there could fix the headache that you feel coming.

Itadori and Fushiguro are just kids. They have barely even lived and led their life in the direction they want, but all of these responsibilities were already sitting on their shoulders. As the new vessel for the king of curses, Itadori's life if now heading to a single path- death, of course. It's a miracle that he hasn't even died yet.

You were guilty for neglecting him when it was obvious he needed someone to console him.

How about Fushiguro? Like Gojo, he ran away but there's a slight difference.

Gojo needed convincing. He realized that he shouldn't be shackled and forced to live a life he didn't want to when he would be happier and better off without his riches.

Fushiguro probably made a contract with the new upcoming head of the house, Naoya Zen'in. That if his sister stayed beside him, he will also stay and play his part. He was content as long as Tsumiki was there with him. Gojo wasn't, but never had enough courage to actually leave until his two best friends gave him that push he needed.

'I can only do so much with Fushiguro's situation.. And Itadori.. What will he do if i tell him i met Mahito? The one who killed his friend?'

'They're too young for this..'

As you're about to enter your shared bedroom, you hear a few footsteps coming from the stairs. You whip your head to check which one of the kids, or Gojo, was still awake at this hour.

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