46 | Convincing

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'Oohhhh.. Fuck.'

'I'm here! Finally!'

Sumida takes multiple deep breaths as he pulls off his hood, finally slowing down after running for what seemed like forever. He internally curses the person who agreed to have Ieiri's own infirmary built far from the entrace. Whoever needed medical help would've already died before they even find the right hall to go through.

Sumida runs his hands through his hair, trying to fix the mess on head before reaching to take off his cloak. His fingers are no longer trembling from the cold. When he notices this, Sumida let's out a sigh of relief.

Itadori and Okkotsu told him that when they were still running out the forest—he asked Sumida for a favor. That if Geto isn't convinced by the first sorcerer who talked to him, then maybe the informant should be the one to ask him.

Hesitantly, he agreed to do what Okkotsu asked him to. As an adult, he can't just let the kids do all the hard work. Specially not when Y/N's gone and not there to guide her boys. She'd murder him for not helping out Fushiguro and Itadori.

Sumida said he'll try his very best but oh god. The thought of talking to Geto after seeing his skin being shed by a horrific curse.. It made chills run down Sumida's spine. Can he even face him right now?

'I fucking can!' he motivates himself, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to erase the image of Mahito pulling off part of Geto's face from his body, 'You can do it, Sumida!'

While he reopens them, his eyes settles on the door separating him, Ieiri, and possibly Geto.

Sumida takes a deep breath.


"She has lost her fucking mind!"

"Calm down.."

Ieiri watches in concern as her friend paces back and forth inside the room, obviously fuming with anger with what Tsukumo did to his daughters. However, something inside him, maybe his heart, believed everything she said. Hell, he wanted to run after her and ask about the situation in more detail. Geto believed that Gojo's out there and needed saving.

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