41 | Reunite

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That creature he saw.. Was both weird and familiar at the same time. It's something he remembers seeing but probably never cared enough to pay attention.

"Naoya-sama, what's the matter?"

A woman carrying a wooden tray worried for him, standing a few steps behind Naoya while he looked out from the training ground of the Zen'in clan's home. His keen eyes were focused on the fading shadow looming nearby.

Their house, similar to jujutsu tech, was built on a spacious mountain. The training grounds for the sorcerers in the family are located behind their actual house, so they have a clear view of the schools entrance.

Naoya never knew he'd find something interesting in that school. Who knew.

"Nothing." he answers her with a lie, already knowing that the foolish woman would believe whatever he says, "Something caught my eye, that is all."

The lady hums, "If you say so. Here, i made you some tea to drink and sweets to enjoy!"

His interest piqued, Naoya turns his back around, now facing the woman.

Dressed in a pretty and baby blue furisode with the sleeves not too short nor too long. Her cheeks are pink and her red lips are curled into a smile. She looked like such a perfect woman for a bride.. A bride Naoya can easily order around and breed.

There's nothing special about her. She can see curses and that's it.

The woman is from Kameoka. A town in the land of Kyoto. Her family is wealthy and was lucky enough to set her up with Naoya- who seems to never be satisfied with settling on a single wife.

She has yet to go through the hell other women experienced, so she's still somewhat happy to be at the Zen'ins estate. Just like any other concubine Naoya has had, she's disposable and always ready to replace.

Naoya never really needed a woman to marry since no one has caught his attention, but his father insisted he needed children to inherit his future title. Megumi and Tsumiki are both out of the picture which Naoya is thankful for, though the pressure is instead placed on him now.

"It looks awful. You made this?"

Naoya says with a frown, looking down on the plate with multi colored dango. The lady gulps, smile wavering.

"O-Oh.. I can go serve another-"

The man huffs, not letting her finish as he walks past her, intentionally bumping into her shoulder and making her drop the wooden tray she held.

She bites her bottom lip as she could feel stinging in her eyes. Naoya acted fine on their dates in the past, so where did she go wrong?

His true colors seems to be showing now..

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