19 | Bonfires

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"Yep! Three!"

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"Yep! Three!"


As if the conversation not too long ago wasn't a serious one, Satoru nods enthusiastically with a big smile while Utahime's soul could be seen leaving her body. You chuckle nervously.

"Taking them in is the right way to describe it." you reassure the woman, "Oh come on. I'm old enough to-"

Heat rises to Utahime's cheeks, "Yes! I know that! Just please give me some kind of context?"

You then contemplated if you were going to reveal that Megumi Fushiguro, from the Zen'in clan, had also ran away and you have given him a place to stay. You feel Satoru's eyes on the back of your head- he's also waiting for your response.

Not only that.. He wanted to see how far and well you can lie.

You, deciding not to give any more stress and things for Utahime to worry about, then began explaining.

"They're kids who didn't have a place to stay. One of them works for Kento." you say, "i'm a nice woman with a big heart, okay?"

Utahime sighs out of relief.

"Go. You can explain the situation to me next time." she pats your shoulder before looking over to Satoru. Her brows furrow, irked.

"You! Break in again and i'm gonna murder you!"

"You! Break in again and i'm gonna murder you!"

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"Are you mad?!"

"I-I'm not!"

Satoru and Y/N rushed outside the school, both on edge and worried about their kids' safety. The woman may not be too mad at Satoru for breaking in jujutsu tech, but she'll definitely be angry if anything happened to Itadori, Kugisaki, and Fushiguro.

While they're running, Y/N almost trips. A string of curses leaves her mouth whils Satoru lets out a howl of laughter from behind her.

"Satoru! It's gonna be a long run!" Y/N cried out, a part of her desperate to go home. She has never left the house with Satoru, so frantically trying to get back home is definitely a first.

"We'll figure something out..!" Satoru says, noticing her distress.

Satoru then sweeps the woman up her feet before shooting up the sky. Y/N places a hand over her mouth before closing eyes shut, preventing herself from screaming as she feels wind harshly blowing on her face.

One of her hands held tightly onto Satoru who's looking around the ground below; his sharp eyes could see every sorcerer scattered in Tokyo. He's having a hard time locating their home..

"Hey, open your eyes."

Satoru whispers to the woman he's holding in his arms. Y/N complies, only to see the mans gaze on her. Her heart skips a beat, briefly admiring how breathtaking Satoru can be- his hair is down, eyes exposed, and blindfold hanging around his neck.

Y/N then spoke, "You.. You can fly?"

"Heh. Infinity's everywhere." Satoru says before turning his attention back to the ground, "Where's the house?"

Right. He doesn't know the layout of Tokyo well from how long he hasn't been out.

Satoru lets the woman wrap her arms around his neck while she pivots her body- she's now looking at Tokyo and the bewildering castle of the Gojo clan.

Her breath hitches. Grey and orange.

"Satoru.. T-There." she raises a hand, pointing at what seems to be the forest she owns being set on fire.

"Shit." the man mutters. This is bad.

Satoru holds the woman closer as they began falling. Not a second after Satoru moved and they're no longer airborne. Both adults are back at the house- which seems to not be affected by the fire.

Y/N turns to the man, "i'm checking the house. Please don't burn yourself."

Satoru snorts, "Don't worry Y/N, i'm the strongest."

With that, they both go their seperate ways; Satoru rushing to the forest, and the woman watching him leave. Y/N then dashes inside their home, running up stairs.

"Yuji? Yuji! Nobara?!" she calls, "Fushiguro!"

She bursts inside their room, heart dropping when she sees a large hole in the wall. The burning forest is visible from here, and the room seems to be the only place that's wrecked- her eyes go wide due to horror.

"What's this cursed energy i'm feeling?" she mutters, "That's not it.. Fushiguro can't make fire and Kugisaki can only make things explode."

Is it Itadori? An intruder? How would she know..

Y/N clicks the roof of her mouth. Whoever did this to her precious house and took her kids, they'll pay. The woman plucks a needle from her skin before dropping it to the ground- if anyone dared to sneak inside, she'll be alerted.

After setting her trap, the woman then rushes back downstairs before darting to the kitchen where the back door is wide open.

"Fuck it. Fire won't stop me." she hesitated, but seeing as there isn't much smoke and fire on the ground unlike the trees, Y/N rushes to the forest.

"Nobara! Fushiguro!" she calls out once again, now desperate, "Yuji! Where the hell are you?!"


The woman yelps as a burning branch drops in front of her. Carefully, Y/N walks around it, taking note to how the bright and hot flames slowly begun to extinguish by itself. The woman looks ahead, seeing more burning wood and leaves on the ground.

Fire doesn't spread around where she is.. Does this mean she's close to the source? Is this the work of a jujutsu?

"H-Help! Anyone!"

The woman hears Kugisaki's faint voice from deep inside the woods. Y/N's eyes widen, now feeling some sort of relief- she's near! Thank fucking god.

"My knees hurt..!" she started running once again, following where she last heard the teens voice. Y/N wouldn't have to worry about getting lost as this is her property and she kows the forest well.

Much to the womans relief, not only a few seconds later, she sees a beaten up Kugisakileaning on a tree. The girl tightly holds onto her hammer, eyes looking for possible help.

"Y/N!" kugisaki's eyes widen, watching as the woman rushes to her.

"What happened, nobara? Where's Fushiguro?" Y/N asks, "And who the hell set the place on fire?!"

Kugisaki gulps.

You're not going to like this one..

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