33 | The soul

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Sumida takes a deep breath as he regains his composure. The man would then put on his cloak once again, showing a confused look.

"You two knew it wasn't me..?"

Sumida questions, though before you can answer, he quickly shakes his head.

"Ah, enough of that. I already lost a lot of time trying to chase that damn clone. Listen, i was cornered by a few curse users and one of them was in possession of a vile drug. We're heading to the red light district since that's where they'll be dealing it out."

You sigh, "Again? We had this problem a month ago too. Except it was tea and the drugs were inside the bags."

Sumida nods, "But it's different this time. Those curse users called it Kagome. When one if them tried it, their cursed energy enhanced. After a few minutes their body seems to transform."

"Ah!" you say as the cogs in your head started to turn, "Because the effects circles back to them? You know.."

Sumida could only show you a smile. He could see that being the reason, but whoever named this dangerous substance is goofy.

"Transforms into what? And transfiguration? A drug can't possibly do that." Nanami raises a brow.

The three of you began to head to the aforementioned district. Sumida insisted that you stood close by him, saying that you can never be too safe specifically in a district where a few curse users and bandits are always lurking.

"It's possible. The others left their friend who took the drugs. His cursed technique enabled him to copy someone's appearance." Sumida explains further, "He beat me up first, copied me, then went off to find someone to kill."

"And by the time he reached us.. He was already turning into a curse." you concluded.

"Did you manage to figure out who was giving out those drugs?" Nanami ask, eyes roaming around the street– they were getting close to their location.

Sumida hums, "That's why we're here."

The boy continues.

"A person named Eso is the one who's in charge but not the source. That's what it said in my report but i wanted to dig deeper. The exchange is gonna happen at a bar but i don't think those men are gonna come out alive.."

"I assume they want to buy more drugs?" you question, "If we find this Eso you're talking about, then we might be able to hold him hostage."

'But who in their right mind would even allow such substance to exist? Transfiguration is impossible to achieve unless..'

A past conversation then started to replay in your mind.

"He's different from the normal curses in the forest. He talks and has the body of a human. I don't know if he's a sorcerer.."

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