36 | Escape

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".. Miss you.. I.."

"I miss... You.. Please.."

"Save me.."

A girl whispered repeatedly, her freezing hands now shaking as she hugged her body tighter. The warmth she's trying to feel is barely there and the clothes she was wearing isn't enough to povide the heat she wanted- she's been locked up in this room for so longe she doesn't even know if getting out is possible. Has a month already gone by? Did no one bother to go look for her?

As expected.. She wanted to loose hope but the girl knows she can't.

Where did she go wrong? She did it all.

She stayed obedient and kept her mouth shut, watching as they keep her and her sibling apart. She's careful not to make the wrong move since she's basically walking on eggshells whenever they were present.


Because she was a nobody there. She was only allowed to remain in the clan because he wanted her to stay by his side. She appreciated the effort her sibling put in, but even his words weren't enough to keep them from taking her away. She waited for this day to come eventually, but she never knew it would be so soon.

The girl rubs her cheeks, feeling wet tears cascading down her face. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down once again. She'll just have to place her faith in him- because she can't save herself right now. Not with the state she's in.

If she doesn't have herself, then who's going to save her now when her only blessing is now powerless?

The girl flinches as she suddenly hears knocking on the only wooden door of the room. After a few seconds of staying silent, light pours in through the metal bars, making the girls eyes widen.

On the other side, she sees a woman.

The one who put her inside the cell.. And is the same person bringing her fruit to feast on every day even if the woman was forbidden to do so.. The lady looked oddly familiar to her but the girl couldn't recall who she is.

Bringing the lantern closer to the bars, the woman spoke. Her voice is soft, as if not wanting no one, other than the locked up girl, to hear.

"You still alive, Fushiguro?"

Tsumiki, with widened eyes, nods.

She's desperate to be saved although her burning hope still hasn't been extinguished either- one day, Megumi will be there to save her.

She's desperate to be saved although her burning hope still hasn't been extinguished either- one day, Megumi will be there to save her

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