40 | Cold curiosity

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Sumida pulls the hood of his cloak down, no longer hiding the confusion on his face. He looked around the bar, hand on the empty stool beside him as if he was afraid to accidentally slip- wasn't Y/N suppose to meet up with him?

Work needed to be done. Information needed to be exchanged.

The man glances at one of the windows. The day has just started, so maybe he can take a trip to the womans humble abode? Maybe drag her out and force information out her.

Reminiscing about their previous encounters, Sumida contemplated more. Should he really barge in her house like that? Sumida knew not to underestimate her.. But something felt wrong. Terribly wrong.

'Did Y/N get herself in trouble?'

It felt like a pit on the bottom of his stomach. Like a rock being thrown into a deep ocean.

The boy takes a deep breath before pulling out a few coins from his pocket and placing them down on the wooden counter in front of him. After paying for the drink he previously ordered and finished, Sumida swiftly leaves the building, flipping his cloak back up and hiding his face.

He gulps, now getting anxious.

'I feel like.. I'm gonna see something horrible. Maybe that's just Y/N's face?'

The boy cracks a smile which is immediately replaced with a frown.

'Not now, damn it!'

The boy passes by Nanami's bakery, not bothering to look back and question the man about you- they have already talked and Sumida got what he needed from Nanami.

He gulps, his walk now turning to a run.

When the man had finally reached the few empty houses at the outskirts of town, he was already sprinting as if his life was on the line.

He has been to Y/N's house a few times now and it's always about visiting and making sure no curse user is lurking in her forest. There's always something suspicious about how the trees stood and the leaves swayed in the wind- Sumida despised going here.

'The closer i get, the stronger i could feel it.. There it is!'

He maneuvers around the trees standing in his way and quickly avoids the rocks blocking his path.

'.. Cursed energy that strong?!'

He could feel it all the way from where he is. What could possibly contain such a large amount of energy?

Sumida finally reaches the end of the path, huffing and out of breath. Though there was no time to spare for him to rest.

He made his way to the house, his run now turning to a walk. His brows furrow when he sees a pool of blood on the ground and trailing to the front of the home, his suspicion and concern now growing. Sumida looks at the door that was closed shut- from what he's seeing, someone must've been forced inside after being dragged.

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