21 | Kind and warm

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"Fushiguro, you think we can stall?"

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"Fushiguro, you think we can stall?"

"H-Huh? What?"

The boy spares you a glance, brows furrowed. He coughs, the smoke he's inhaling now beginning to slowly suffocate him. He knows his body has hit it's limit; fighting in a burning forest, againts a literal demon incarnate, and still having less chance of winning? Fushiguro doesn't want to die this way, but he's tired.

"Wait a little longer.. Satoru's.."

You stop.


You and Fushiguro make eye contact, both hearing Sukuna's laughter once again. You couldn't move- inhaling the smoke is beginning to make you nauseous. Of course, you couldn't just stop breathing so you really don't have a choice but try to endure the effects of the fire.

Fushiguro, on the other hand, is gritting his teeth. You looked ready to faint, and he's contemplating wether he should summon his gyokuken and let his shikigami guide you out the forest. Surely, he can handle the situation until Satoru gets back, right?

But Itadori.. How about him? How would the shikigami deal with this curse inside of the boy's body? Is it worth trying?

Much to their luck, the smoke from Kugisaki's technique began to clear out. However, Sukuna's silent, and he seems to not be attacking.


A silhouette of a man, with both his hands inside his pockets, appear in front of both you and Fushiguro as the smoke clears. You let out a long sigh of relief- just before you thought you're going to die in the hands of the one and only king of curses.

Satoru looks over his shoulder, already having dealt with Sukuna beforehand. His blindfold is down to his neck and he has a smile on his face.

"Hehe.. Sorry to keep you waiting."

With that, droplets of water began to fall, slowly extinguishing the flames around. Fushiguro looks up with tired eyes, seeing the dark sky. The gray and dark clouds matches with the stuffy smoke that he has been inhaling.

The teen looks back at Satoru, seeing him pick up Itadori's now unconcious body. Fushiguro wonders what Satoru might've done in such a short time.

"My god." you say, rushing over to the man, "Where were you? Why did you take so long?"

Satoru shrugs, noticing how you limped and winced. You look tired and even your nose s blood dripping down them. Should he go take care of you later? Think of it as compensation for being late on saving both you and fushiguro.

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