27 | Same moon

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A sigh

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A sigh.

'it's so quiet.'

Another sigh.

Kugisaki tucks her hair behind her ear, watching the moon that's hiding behind the clouds in the dark sky. It's been a few days since she started staying up late- or atleast until she's sure her friend, Saori, is tucked in her bed and dreaming away.

Had weeks already passed? Kugisaki feels as if shes stayed at Kyoto for longer than she did. Are the hours starting to feel more longer? The minutes? The seconds?

What is she feeling?

The girl takes her eyes off the window. Her eyes narrow to her bedside table; lantern, matched, and ah.. Her trusty hammer and nails.

The corner of her lip tugs into a small smile.

She can't hear Itadori's loud snoring.

She can't see Fushiguro brooding.

Where's Satoru and his ugly face?

And that woman..

Kugisaki clicks the roof of her tongue. She stands up from the study table near the window before closing the curtains. She spares the sleeping Saori a glance before returning back to her own bed.

They both share a room. After arriving with Tsukumo, the woman was kind enough to tell Kugisaki that she should work for one of her friends; Haibara Yu who's a bartender and yes, another sorcerer that's undercover.

Of course, being new to the area, she accepts the job. That's how she helps Saori with the expenses. But being in a different environment and being around new people.. it doesn't feel the same..

Work just feels a lot less fun than she expected.

'I really miss them.' Kugisaki tosses and turns around her bed, 'But i'm happy with Saori too.'

It was within arms reach- the perfect team of badass sorcerers. Her family. How did they, in just a few weeks of getting to know her, manage to make such a huge impact on Kugisaki's life? She feels like running out of this house, going on foot even if it'll take her three days to arrive, and just rush to Tokyo.

She wants to see the forest she watched burn. The house she stayed in. The people who are weird although caring and welcomed her with opens arms.

Kugisaki closes her eyes shut, grip on her blanket now tightening.

'I wonder.. What kind of adventure they're on right now..'


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