31 | Blind eye

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You wake up paranoid

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You wake up paranoid.

The futon beside you is clean and had no traces of the man that slept beside you. You could hear faint voices talking from the other side of the door. The sun seems to be out and you most likely overslept- which you rarely do. And if you happen to be taking too long to sleep, Satoru would be there to wake..

..To wake you up.

Horrible things are already happening to you the moment you open your eyes. You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down.

'I'm an adult now, okay! I manage my own time and i'm my own boss. I can repair and make clothes whenever i want.'

You take off the blanket on top of you, revealing another bandaged arm. You let out a sigh- you now have two injuries. One from the informat Sumida and one from the sorcerer killer, Toji.

You slowly stand up, stretching.

"I'll tidy the futons later. I need to make food.." you yawn.

You stop as you neared the door, hand on the cold knob. You contemplated about leaving the room without thinking of what you're going to do next- what? Make food and that's it?

You and Gojo.. The two of you never got the chance to talk.

You start to recall the events of the night before- the white haired man sitting you down the kitchen while he asked Fushiguro to grab a pail of water and a piece of cloth. You would then start falling asleep as he wrapped you up with the bandages that were originally for his eyes but didn't have the time to change into because you gave him the blindfold you sew.

You two sat in silence.

You wanted to run away and hope for the best. It didn't matter if he was the one to bandage up your wounds- he still might be angry at you.

'Well, i'm not gonna stay in here all day.. If i really want to talk to him then i shouldn't be locking myself in here

The door slowly swings open and you hesitantly peek your head out. You sniff the air, raising a brow when you smell the scent of freshly baked bread.

You quicken your pace to the kitchen.

"And it was crazy!"

"How crazy, Yuji?!"

"You two.. Why did i ever agree on eating with you?"

You stood there, dumbfounded- an annoyed Fushiguro sipped on a cup with steaming black coffee, Itadori stuffed his face with bread, and Gojo seems to be enjoying a slice of eggpie. Now where the hell did these boys..?

"Ah! Miss Y/N!" Itadori, being the first one to notice you, calls you over with a smile. This catches Fushiguro and Gojo's attention.

"Morning, you three." You say, still in disbelief as you walked to one of the table. You take a seat beside Fushiguro.

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