45 | Host and vessel

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'I need to go back to my brother. Now.'

With furrowed brows, Tsumiki stared at the wilting flower she held.

What can she do at a situation like this? She was a product of Toji's affair and was only kept around the Zen'in clan because Megumi said so. She loves her sibling dearly and even though she wasn't at all welcomed in the family, Tsumiki became strong and patient for Megumi.

She never thought of leaving him. She never thought of running away because she felt different. She never thought about what direction her life would've went if Megumi never cared for her.

And that alone kept him sane. All it took was for her to stay by his side and Tsumiki knew that. Now that she's been kidnapped, who knows what might happen?

The girl hears footsteps approaching her. She turns around to see two figures–the heir of the Kamo clan, Noritoshi, with his relative and personal guard, Choso.

Tsumiki greets them with a bow which they return.

Choso would then leave the two alone but will still be nearby just in case something happens. Noritoshi awkwardly stood in front of Tsumiki and the girl twirls the dead flower around using her fingers.

One of them breaks the uncomfortable silence.

"I'm deeply sorry for—"

"I get it! I get it." Tsumiki sweatdrops, "Please.. You don't need to repeat it all the time.."

Once Noritoshi found out that someone in his family found him a bride to wed, he demanded to see and know who she was.

He was surprised to say the least when Choso told him who it was despite being ordered not to say anything–Noritoshi had heard of rumors about Tsumiki being one of the few people that Megumi wants around, so if she's in Kyoto.. That must mean she's taken here againts her will.

His assumptions were correct on their first date. They were alone in a room and forced to eat dinner together. Tsumiki wore something similar to her clothes now–a plain long sleeved dress which reached below her knees.

Noritoshi was disturbed when he saw her. Her puffy and red eyes, face caked with make-up, and trembling hands. She looked ready to collapse.

It reminded him of his own mother.

Since then, Noritoshi vowed to help her escape. In secret, of course.


"Don't worry, Kamo. It's not your fault or anything." Tsumiki reassures him with a small smile. Noritoshi just gave up with a sigh before changing the subject of their conversation.

Wind blows past them.

"I have good news." he suddenly says.

"Is that so?"

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