20 | Sukuna

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"Hey.. What's happening?"

A concerned Itadori slides inside the shared bedroom, both Kugisaki and Fushiguro turning their head to him. They're confused- they have never seen the boy look so worried. Usually, he's all smiles.

"What?" Kugisaki asks, "What's wrong?"

Itadori shuts the wooden door.

"Satoru's gone. Miss Y/N isn't here either." he says, scratching the back of his head.

Alert, both Kugisaki and Fushiguro stood up. Satoru never left the house without Y/N telling them beforehand.

"Crap. This is bad." Kugisaki mutters. For her, it felt like all of a sudden she's placed in danger.

Fushiguro could agree. They weren't being dramatic- it's just.. Although both Kugisaki and Itadori knew Satoru isn't allowed to step outside the house unless it's necessary, Fushiguro knows a lot more about why he can't leave.

Fushiguro and Kugisaki rushes to the door. The boy with pink hair steps away, allowing them to open it. They need to go and find Satoru.

"Itadori, come on. We-"

The boy suddenly feels a chills run up his spine when Itadori pulls him back using the collar of his uniform; his grip is tight. Fushiguro gulps, and Kugisaki can only look behind her.

Her face is full of horror as she sees black marks appearing on Itadori's face. Below his eyelids are another set of red eyes that's beginning to open, and on his lips forms a wide and sinister grin

"Why don't you two.. Come back here?"

He doesn't look like Itadori anymore.

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"We asked him who he is, and all he told us he's the king of curses before wrecking the place."

Kugisaki turns to look over her shoulder, brows furrowed as all she sees is a red fiery blaze and wood burning. She couldn't see both of the boys anymore.

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