14 | Frogs and birds

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Kugisaki kicks a rock nearby, hands in the pockets of her pants. She walked alongside Itadori- whom was talking a lot about his old hometown; sendai. The girl, on the other hand, wasn't really listening that much.

Both kids has asked permission from the great Satoru to go take a walk outside when Y/N was working so the woman couldn't say no. She probably wouldn't, but considering that it's a little late and the only light they had was a lantern that Itadori brought, the kids didn't want to risk it.

They promised him they'll be back soon or when they were called to go back. Plus, they said they won't wander far.

Kugisaki even has her hammer and a few nails on her. Itadori, however, joked about only needing his fist and raw strength- in other words, he doesn't want to let anyone know he has a demon in him but wanted to reassure Satoru that he's capable of defending himself.

"Itadori." the girl calls.


They both stop walking. The boy holds out the lantern in front of him, noticing that they were at the entrance of the forest. They should turn back.

"Don't you think Y/N's weird?" she ask, eyes looking around her surroundings- it's dark, definitely a lot scarier than it was in the morning.

The boy shrugs, beginning to rack his brain in search of anything odd the woman might've done.

"Miss Y/N's more.. Mysterious than weird." he says, "she loves hiding a lot of things."

'Right..' Kugisaki thought. Itadori's right on that one. Now that she has heard everything about the sorcerer killer and such because of the conversation with tsukumo, Kugisaki's now seeing things in a different light.

Y/N likes keeping things to herself. Kugisaki now wonders if the woman's going to tell Satoru about it.

"Right." she mutters, "You're weird too, Itadori. Are you a sorcerer, huh?"

The girl raises a brow. From what she has seen, everyone looks pretty normal except for Satoru. The man wasted no time in showing off how nothing could touch him no matter what object is thrown at him and would refuse to tell Kugisaki what his jujutsu is.

He's very annoying.

"not really, but maybe?" the boy's unsure on how to answer that one. Before the girl could ask any more questions, he's quick to change the subject.

"Anyways, we gotta head back-"

From in front of them, behind all of the shadows the trees in the forest are casting, a creature comes flying towards Itadori.

His eyes widen, having no time to react as he could feel his arm being grabbed and his body lifting from the ground.

Kugisaki gasps.


She quickly gets over her shock, pulling out three nails from her pocket and using her hammer to launch them at the bird-like creature.

Itadori could feel the grip on him loosening. He struggles free, landing on the ground on his feet. His eyes then dart to the girl,

"Kugisaki, watch out!"

The boy sprints towards her. Something similar to a frogs tongue wraps around Kugisaki's hand that contains her hammer before a cloaked figure suddenly appears from the shadows, grabbing her other arm.

Itadori's fist lights up with blue cursed energy, now swinging his arm towards whoever this person is that tried grabbing his friend.

He successfully lands a hit on them and they had no time to react, their back hitting a tree due to the amount of force Itadori placed in that single punch.

They didn't expect that both of them would be sorcerer of some sorts.. That caught them off gaurd.

"You!" with a frown on his face, Itadori grabs them by the collar, other hand lifting their hoodie up.

What he sees is far from what the boy had imagined. Itadori expected a man, someone older than them, to be trespassing Y/N's property at this dark in the night, but this..

..this looks like someone their age; a guy with blue eyes, black hair, and a bloody nose that Itadori probably caused. The light from the moon isn't enough to show all of the boys features, but it's enough to tell that he's young.

The lantern was on the ground somewhere. They'll find that later..

"Ku..Kugisaki." Itadori turns to the girl, "Go call miss Y/N and Satoru, please..!"

The boy with a cloak on the other hand, grits his teeth out of annoyance, having no energy to resist as Itadori's grip on him is indeed tight. He had a mistake of thinking that he can ambush them and possibly rob them. He should've just..

Kugisaki nods, noticing the situation has gotten serious. She turns her back.

It doesn't take her a minute to rush inside the house, quickly opening the door. She opens her mouth to shout, hoping that atleast one of the adults are awake.

"Y/N! Satoru!"

Satoru was cut off by the girl's screams. The man is quick to stand up, noticing the distress in her tone. The two of you exchange glances despite the man wearing a blindfold.

No words are said as you two exit the room, meeting Kugisaki at the kitchen where the back door is completely open.

When you see the girl, Kugisaki's tightly holding onto her hammer.

"Nobara? What's wrong?" you ask, gesturing for Satoru to head outside to check what was happening.

Kugisaki sharply inhales, "Someone attacked Itadori and i."

You turn to look at Satoru who's already with Itadori. He turns to you, waving his hands as if asking you to also take a look. You sigh.

"Come, lets confront who this is."

The both of you walk out the house, immediately catching up with the two boys. You watch as Itadori drop the unknown boy on the ground after Satoru tells him to back away.

"You two, inside." you whisper to them, patting Itadori's back, "We'll handle this."

Itadori who's nervous, makes eye contact with Kugisaki as if asking her for reassurance. The girl could only nod, deciding to leave it for you and Satoru to deal with.

While the two left, you then turn to the unknown boy on the ground. He was glaring at Satoru, and the man has a grin on his face.

"hehe.. It's been awhile!" Satoru says, reaching a hand out to which the boy slaps away.

Your eyes aren't deceiving you, and neither is Satoru's.

'This is.. Fushiguro Megumi..'

'The Zen'in clans future heir.'


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