Alternate end | Bittersweet finale

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Mahito's hand transformsinto a sharp blade

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..Mahito's hand transforms
into a sharp blade.


Their gazes meet. With the prison realm in her hand, she tried to stand up to reach for the curse coming her way, however, someone was faster than Rika.

Okkotsu's eyes widen in horror.

His ears start ringing.

He was a second too late. Before his curse could grab Y/N and avoid Mahito's attack, he instead sees a decapitated head fly off Y/N's body. From her exposed neck, blood starts squirting and leaking. The prison realm drops to the ground and just as the headless body is about to follow, the curse strikes again.

With his arm splitting into three seperate blades, Mahito laughs maniacally. He swings them towards Y/N body. If he had a heart, the curse would probably be hyperventilating right now.

'So.. Exhilarating!'

Tsukumo lets out a gasp while Nanami could only look away while gritting his teeth.

The blonde tries covering his eyes, however, Okkotsu only pushes her away.

He.. Could've prevented this.

Geto was frozen in place when he sees a limb or two fly off the body. Tashiro places a hand over her mouth to avoid vomiting, hoping that what she saw getting teared off the body wasn't what she thinks it is-organs and bones from a ribcage.

Y/N's remains cover the glowing prison realm.

A cold breeze passes the rest of the sorcerers. This seems to bring them to their senses.

Before Mahito could mangle the dead body even further, Sumida quickly activates his technique, the blades in the air suddenly turning to ice before shattering. Mahito curses from under his breath.

"Go exor.." the informant was cold, "GO KILL THAT ANIMAL NOW!"

Mahito looked around with a wide grin. The five remaining sorcerers rushed to him, their weapons and technique ready to strike at every direction. Oh how fun!

He prefers if he lives through the night, though the curse doesn't care about what happens after this moment.

Leaving behind despair and depression is good enough for him, but he has a question that he's in no rush to answer-why is this tailor so important to basically every sorcerer he has come across? That the said sorcerers didn't even hesitate to fight Mahito? He could just turn every single one of them into transfigured curses. Do they wish to look more hideous than the pile of Y/N's flesh?



He took away the brightest light in Gojo's life. The woman so kind to give him a second chance in life and an opportunity to learn about the things happening outside of his home.

He murdered the individual who's keeping the most powerful man sane.

That's Mahito's answer, but he doesn't know that yet.

Just as Tashiro's about to swing playful cloud, the prison realm that was shining not too long ago starts to loose it's light, Okkotsu's eyes widen in horror, his stomach churning.

It meant one thing.

Their planned has failed.

The realization hits the boy hard. It doesn't take Mahito another minute to catch onto this-that something went horribly wrong. Without a second to spare, the curse reaches for the closest person.

Feeling a touch on his chest, he fails to use his technique to knock Mahito's hand away. In a blink of an eye, the top part of his body falls victim to transfiguration.

Nanami Kento.

He's followed by a woman choking on her own blood as her body is suddenly twisted in unimaginable ways. The weapon she held is dropped to the floor.

Tashiro Koizumi.

She cries out of pain, though Mahito disposes her before moving to his next victim. When he's about to grab Okkotsu by the neck, the boy is suddenly pulled away by Geto and Tsukumo who, surprisingly, managed to put some distance between them and the curse.

"C'mon." Mahito taunts, "Fight! Fight me! Aren't you sorcerers so confident about saving Gojo Satoru?"

It felt good, no, wonderful knowing that there won't be any other way to release Gojo. Y/N's lethal needles will never be produced to use againts the prison realm, and the strongest sorcerer will forever stay in his tiny box.

Mahito licks his lips as Geto summons his strongest curse, Tsukumo's shikigami started charging at him, and Okkotsu pulls out a katana imbued with his overwhelming energy.

Seeing the fear in everyone's faces as they launch their own attacks is more than enough. It satisfies him.

Mahito won. The curses won.

He doesn't care what happens after this.

He doesn't care what happens after this

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