50 | A night to remember

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Tashiro was never interested in Utahime's workplace

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Tashiro was never interested in Utahime's workplace. Despite the countless visits to deliver lunch or an item her wife forgot at home, Tashiro never thought about asking to be shown around.

To see what.. Exactly? A plain sorcerer school? The students themselves? It's a complete waste of time and it would probably be too boring.

That's what she thought before, but she seems to change her mind when she stepped inside one of the small storage rooms with Geto, Sumida, and Utahime.

When Y/N mentioned 'Grab a weapon just in case' she never expected to be led to a whole room with cursed tools littering the walls and tables. Spears, claymores, katanas, and.. Is that a battle axe?!

Tashiro looks over her shoulder, seeing Utahime who's standing by the door with her arms crossed. She gestures for Tashiro to go ahead and pick something from the plethora of tools.

Although tempted, she hesitates, "Can't i just use my shikigami?"

Utahime shakes her head, "It would probably be better if you have a weapon. Your shikigami feeds off your cursed energy, right?"

"Okay.. Good point, Iori." Tashiro then turns away, her eyes now set on finding the perfect weapon.

There's one problem.

Where does she start?!

Summoning and constantly changing her shikigami's form requires control and burning a lot of cursed energy. Aside from katanas she eventually throws away and daggers that she borrows from her colleagues, the woman has never bothered wielding anything else. Why would she? Tashiro already has the perfect weapon-a flexible technique.

Ah, well, what's the harm in holding a cursed tool in battle?

"Iori, can you give me a durable katana-"

"Geto, look!"

She's cut off by the curious Sumida who pulls out a three sectioned staff from underneath one of the tables. After presenting the staff to the man standing beside him, he would then start sneezing when he inhales dust.

Geto grabs the weapon. With interest in his eyes, he mutters, "Playful cloud.."

After Toji was defeated, Geto and Gojo decided to take the weapon he accidentally left and play with it. Maybe they did it to distract themselves from the death of Riko and Kuroi, or maybe it's just their curiosity getting the best of them.

As they tested the weapon on, unfortunately, eachother, Ieiri would constantly remind them not to try and actually use it. Yes, she was concerned, but her warnings were mostly because she'll be the one loosing sleep over one idiot that got himself hurt because he decided to play with a dangerous tool.

Geto sweatdrops as he recalls the deathly glare Ieiri shot at him and Gojo. He would then took it to the school once they had their fair share of fun.

They were dumb times.. But still good times..

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