48 | Through thick and thin

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Tashiro guides her shikigami up in the sky, giving it directions on where to go and how to avoid any flying birds in the sky.

The wind is cold againts her skin. She takes a deep inhale, as if trying to calm her rapidly beating heart. Tashiro contains a smile from forming on her face- no, she shouldn't be too excited about going home only to be scolded by her lovely wife.

However, she couldn't stop herself. A grin makes it way to her face. Although it's guaranteed that she'll receive a few smacks and punches, Tashiro's confident Utahime will still welcome her in open arms.

'I can't wait.' a hand goes to the ring on her necklace, 'Iori, i swear i'll stay this time.'

She clutches the silver band in her palm before letting it go. Tashiro would then look over her shoulder, sparing the sullen looking Y/N a glance.

"You seem unwell."

She breaks the comfortable silence.

Y/N turns her gaze to the woman.

"I'm a bit nervous." she says, "The kids.. I was captured before i could even see if they're alright.."

Tashiro's surprised, "You have children? Did they inherit the Kamo clan's technique?"

"God i hope they won't." Y/N mutters before shaking her head no, "You can say they're.. Not my own.. But i still feel like a mother to them."

This warms Tashiro's heart. She continues to guide her shikigami while chatting, "You know, Iori and i wanted a child too. Though a lot happened before we could actually adopt.."

Y/N returns to looking at her surroundings, "I know it's not my business, but how did you two meet?"

She waited for an answer, closing her eyes to relish the feeling of the air hitting her face. A memory of her first time being up in the air suddenly comes to mind- That same day she encountered the king of curses, however, she could never forget how Gojo held her in his arms and the look on his handsome face was breathtaking.

Y/N sighs softly. She misses them. She misses him.

After a minute of silence and biting back her tongue, Tashiro speaks up.

"It was at a summer festival that lasted a whole week. My father set up a stall for kingyo sukui (goldfish scooping) and Iori happened to be interested in playing. I haven't really paid attention to the customers since i was pissed at my father. He wouldn't let me spend the night with my friends."

Seeing no questions from Y/N, Tashiro continues.

"When father asked me to assist this random girl since he's dealing with another customer, i never expected that i'd be face to face with the love of my life." Tashiro chuckles at the thought.

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