29 | Attitude

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"Hey.. Fushiguro.."

"..Do you know what's happening?"

Itadori paces around the dimly lit room, going back and forth with his hands placed on his hips and eyes filled with curiosity.

The aforementioned shikigami user just sits on the floor, curled up in a ball— his knees to his chest arms acting as pillows for his head. The boy sighs, wanting to catch some sleep but it seems like Itadori doesn't want to give him a few minutes of silence.

"I don't." he answers, "Go— Satoru's got this under control, i bet.."

Fushiguro internally curses himself for the slip up. He hopes Itadori doesn't notices since it'll be hard to explain when he's half asleep. Though it's not like he'll tell Itadori if he asked nicely..

'Does.. he even deserve to know? Would he feel safer?'

'Itadori doesn't know anything about fighting and using cursed energy. He punches and punches and that's it. Gojo-san might be able to teach him a thing or two..'

Ah. What is he thinking?

To try and keep these thoughts out his mind, Fushiguro would then close his eyes once again, attempting to doze off.

Itadori turns to the boy.

'Go what?' he raises a brow, genuinely curious. The pink haired boy would then approach the drowsy Fushiguro. He plops down beside the boy.

"Are you and miss Y/N hiding something?"

He ask in a voice above a whisper, his eyes focused on the lantern providing them light. Fushiguro slowly raises his head, looking to his side where Itadori sat. He yawns.


Itadori turns to him.

They maintained eye contact, staring at eachother as if trying to be intimidatng. One ia determined to get an answer and the other wanting to drop dead on the floor rather than be put on the spot. Fushiguro gulps. What should he do?

He feels like he's holding two pouches, making Itadori pick and try to guess which on has a gold coin inside it— except Fushiguro himself doesn't know which pouch contains it nor does he know what would happen if Itadori does guess right. He has the option to lie and make Itadori pick the wrong one and vice versa if he wants Itadori to choose the right pouch but Fushiguro doesn't know which option benefits him more.

In this case..

Should he risk it or lie to the boy? Revealing Satoru's true identity might disappoint Y/N and lying might upset Itadori. There's no win or lose and that frustrates Fushiguro.

"Are you telling the truth..?"

Before his mind continues to run laps and make him unable to sleep, Fushiguro is suddenly brought back to reality. He raises a brow at the question.

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