44 | Faulty plan

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She's a woman with a plan

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She's a woman with a plan.

A woman on a deadly mission.

However, as much as Tsukumo tried to be reasonable and avoided using force on the said deadly mission, she never expected a small misunderstanding would end up with her tying a teenager and basically taking a kid hostage.

You see.. To at least have a chance at contacting Ieiri and Geto, the woman figured out that instead of sneaking inside the Gojo clan's abode and risk getting caught, she'll just have one of Gojo's friends come and meet her outside the estate.

To make things short,

"Mhm! mhfmfhfm!"


Tsukumo decided to approach Geto's children instead. You might be able to tell that talking with them didn't go well so the woman had no choice.

Of course, Mimiko and Nanako didn't stand a chance againts one of the special grade sorcerers in Tokyo. One of the girls is currently tied to a chair while the other ran out the house to inform their father.

Hopefully he arrives by himself and without any reinforcement. It would be hard trying to explain what's happening when it's only supposed to be shared with Geto and Ieiri.

'What am i gonna do if he goes crazy? Yikes!' Tsukumo shakes her head, 'Ah, doesn't matter. I'm gonna try to convince him!'


Nanako, the more lively twin, struggles on her seat yet again before glaring at the blonde standing in front of her. Tsukumo sighs, both hands on her hips.

"Sorry, kid. I really need your papa Geto's help." she says, "Believe me, if i wasn't trying to keep this on the low, i would've went straight to Geto. But as a small reward for being my bait.. I'll give you a little hint."

"It concerns the missing prison realm."

A bunch of incoherent words leaves Nanako's lips, a brow raised.

Tsukumo opens her mouth to speak again though is interrupted when she hears a door slamming loudly behind her. She turns around to check who could've entered the house, only for a hand to grab her by the neck and lift her up the ground.

"..Gah!" Tsukumo chokes for air.

"The fuck do you think you're doing?!"

She makes eye contact with a furious Geto-his grip is tight, eyes blown wide and gritting his teeth. Though having a hard time breathing, Tsukumo raises her leg, cursed energy encasing her right foot.

The woman successfully kicks Geto away, his back slamming againts a wall and her body falling to the ground. Tsukumo quickly gets back on her feet,

"Don't move..!"

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