15 | Fushiguro Megumi

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Fushiguro rubs his eyes with a his hands, not believing that the person standing in front of him is indeed the one and only..

'..Satoru Gojo. He went missing two years ago!' the boy thought.

He's familiar with the man since both of their families often meet for business purposes despite the Zen’in clans dislike towards Satoru. And this woman— Fushiguro doesn't know who she is, but he has to admit he's curious to know what her connection to Gojo is.

"This is.. A problem." you mutter, a hand on Satoru's shoulder.

You didn't know much about the Zen’in clan and the conflicts happening inside their home, but you have heard of this boy. He's a user of the Zen'ins inherited technique; the ten shadows. He's like Satoru, but way too young to actually be a clan leader.

Satoru raises a hand, holding up a finger in front of his lips as if asking the boy to stay quiet.

"Why're you here, Megumi ?" the man ask.

The boy huffs, avoiding eye contact.

"Ran away.."

It had become too suffocating for him. His sister, the one he swore to protect, went missing this morning. That was the final straw for the boy.

He agreed to be heir if he kept the name Fushiguro. He agreed to be heir if it meant giving his sister a home. He has done everything in his power to protect his only family.

Because besides Tsumiki, Mai, and Maki , who the hell even cares for him? The Zen’in clan only values sorcerers and those who inherits the family technique.

Now the boy knows why the twins wanted to leave.

"Can i ask why?" you chime in, wanting him to explain himself before you could make the decision of taking him in like you did with Itadori and Kugisaki.

Though it looks like you don't have much of a choice. You can't let this kid roam around the forest— not everyone he'll encounter would be like Kugisaki who didn't try killing you the first time you two met.

"My sister's missing and i don't know what to do or where they took her" he says, "I only agreed to be clan leader because i wanted to protect Tsumiki."

Ah, forced into a role he doesn't wish to fill  but he needs to because it's the only way to keep a loved one safe. It sounded like Satoru when you met him, but instead he wanted to be free.

Satoru then turns his head, looking at you through his blindfold. You knew what he wanted.

You then nod with a sigh. There's nothing you can do but help.

"Fushiguro." you call, "You don't have a place to stay, do you?"

He shakes his head no, his brows furrowed slightly. Shit— he didn't think this through when he left the clan.

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