04 | Yuji Itadori

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From your workshop where you were currently stitching a ripped skirt, you look up, confused as to why Satoru was calling you. It's only been fifteen minutes since he left, and he has already arrived?

Sighing, you carefully stick the needle you held into a pin cushion and took off the glasses you wore. The skirt can wait- seeing if Satoru hasn't committed any crimes is more important than this.

"Satoru?" you exit the room, heading to the kitchen where the back door was, "why're you so.."

You felt sick.

"..so early.."

There the man is, kneeling on the ground next to a body. To be more specific, a teenager with a bleeding side. Satoru looked like he rushed to get this boy here; the bandages on his eyes were poorly wrapped around his head, and his hands were covered with what you assumed was blood. Had he tried to stop the bleeding?

"who the hell is this?" you ask, brows furrowed, "argh, tell me later! Raise his shirt and take a look at the wound for any infections! I'll go grab some stuff!"

You were quick to run back down the hall. Satoru sighs out of relief, now beginning to do what you asked him to.

"i apologize for the intrusion.." he mutters, glancing at the boy's face; he had markings under his eye and pink hair.

The moment Satoru lifts the boy's shirt, he was surprised to see.. Nothing. No wound, no cut, and not even a single scratch.

'Did he bleed through nothing?'

He then hears your footsteps approaching the kitchen once again. You had came with extra bandages, medicine for wounds, and a wet towel.

Noticing Satoru's confused expression, you then ask.

"is there something wrong?"

Satoru looks over to you.

"go see for yourself."

He stands up, making room for you to look at the boy.

Your brows furrow, your fingers on the boys skin yet you couldn't feel anything. As you continued to look for a wound by poking and prodding at his side, the boys body suddenly jolts away from your hand.

'Is he awake?'

You also pull away, eyes now moving to his face; it displayed discomfort.

"Should we wake him up?"

Satoru shrugs, "I say we clean him up. The poor kid must've passed out 'cause of the smoke." he hands you the wet towel.

"Was there a fire?" you raise a brow, carefully dabbing the towel onto the boys skin. After cleaning his side, you move onto his face.

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