08 | A good fighter

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You click the roof of your tongue, barely dodging the nails she had sent your way

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You click the roof of your tongue, barely dodging the nails she had sent your way. You hear them hit the trees behind you.

"Okay, Nobara." you start, "I don't want to fight."

Kugisaki raises a brow. She places a hand on her hip, wondering why you seem to be so calm. She then raises her hammer before pointing at you.

"Are you a sorcerer?" she ask, still skeptical.

You sigh, "I'm not."

The girl scrunches her nose. You're bluffing- Kugisaki can feel cursed energy when she senses it, and without a doubt, you have said energy.

"I hate liars, you know?" Kugisaki pulls out three more nails from her satchel, "They piss me off."

What should you do? If you took too long, spirits and the lack of light might stop you from furter investigating the area. Not only would it be difficult, you also have this.. This kid wanting to fight you!

I mean, she's right with the liar part, but it's better than having to actually hurt her.

Annoyed and not having a choice, you take off your cloak before reaching to your leg and pulling out a dagger that's tied around your pants. It's the same one you used two years ago- still sharp as ever.

Kugisaki watches with a raised brow as you drop your weapon to the ground.

"Alright! If it's a fight you want, then i'd rather do it with no jujutsu." you say, getting into a stance with both of your fist up.

The girl's now surprised. It's been so long since she had the chance to kick ass in the old fashioned way. Now intrigued, Kugisaki takes off her satchel and places her hammer down to the ground.

"If i beat you, you have to take me to Kyoto." kugisali say, now approaching you. Neither of you bothered to stretch out your muscles.

This catches your attention. Kyoto? What would she do there?

"Yeah, sure. If you lose, get out of my land." you then mutter,

"I don't usually pick fights with kids, but you're an exception."

Kugisaki's the first one to swing, aiming for the side of your head. You duck, arm swinging to her jaw.

She swiftly dodges your fist, and you're impressed. You wince as she successfully lands a hit on your nose using her left arm.

'That hurts!' you thought.

Taking your shock to her advantage, Kugisaki raises her right leg, hitting your torso. Kugisaki's amazed that you're stil standing- that's a strong kick she sent.

You feel blood trickling from your nose to your chin. You thought that this is enough punching for today; you aren't really built for this.

Much to Kugisakis surprise, you grab her collar, hitting your head againts hers multiple times. The moment you stop, you don't let her recover.

You're quick to knock her to the ground using a leg you used to kick her down. The girl groans, brows furrowed as she rubs her forehead.

"Wha," she stammers, "what are you doing?!"

As Kugisaki tries to get up, you raise a leg to kick her right at her stomach.

"Fine! Fine! I surrender!" Kugisaki says, eyeing her satchel and hammer that's nearby.

She isn't the type to back down. Definitely not from a fight.

You scoff, wiping the blood from your nose while you keep your foot on her. You notice what she's planning to do next.

"I hate liars, you know?" you repeat her line, "Don't. I'm too old for your cheap tactics."

Like before, you lean down to grab her by the collar. Kugisaki, brows furrowed and gritting her teeth, is forced to look up at you.

You flash her a smile.

"Why're you so happy about?" the girl ask, "Let me go and i'll leave your property. You put up a good fight-"

Kugisakis eyes widen when she sees needles begin to stick out from your arm. The one you're using to grab her.

She feels your cursed energy getting stronger. She gulps nervously.

"You did good too." you return to compliment, using a free hand to pull out one of the needles from your arm.


"But i don't really let trespassers leave without a punishment.." you mutter.

With needle in hand, you reach for the back of her neck. Kugisaki tried struggling, in hopes of getting away, but before she could even react..


Her body had hit the ground. You sigh, disposing of the needle you have that's coated with her blood.

"I apologize." you say, walking to her satchel and picking it up along with her hammer. You place her weapon inside her bag.

You walk over to the dagger you dropped earlier, sliding it once again to your leg where it's secure. Lastly, you walk over to the unconcious Kugisaki. You felt sorry for suddenly letting her go as soon as she fainted.

"Fifteen percent." you pick her up bridal style, "Had i placed more, then you might've died."

Chisi, or lethal, is your technique. You choose the percentage or amount of poison you place into a needle. Due to some unknown reasons, the highest you can go is eighty-five. You don't complain about it since that's already lethal enough to be able to kill someone.

It isn't much of a useful jujutsu on a battle field, but it's deadly.

'I feel bad that i keep hiding this from Satoru..' you thought, appreciating how he respects your boundaries while also trying to get an answer out of you.

Shame on him- not today. You're still recovering from some events that happened in the past concerning your jujutsu, and would not like to talk about it just now.

On the other hand..

With satchel on and an unconcious girl in your hands, you begin your journey back to Satoru and Itadori. You're a little disappointed that you didn't get to explore the place more and actually gather some information or actually just check what happened after the fire.

As much as you wanted Kugisaki to forget meeting you, you couldn't just leave the poor girl out in the open. You aren't that bad of a person.

'So annoying..'


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