He Wouldn't

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"Hi, I'll have a caramel frap please," I stepped up to the counter, asking the cashier, who looked around sixteen.

"Okay, one caramel frappucino for the beautiful lady." He smiled and winked at me, "What's your name, cutie?"

I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked into his bright green eyes, "I-I'm (y/n)," I giggled.

"Lovely name," he smiled at me once more before turning his attention towards Shawn, standing beside me, "and what can I get for you?"

"Nothing," Shawn replied, his voice clearly coated with annoyance.

Shawn grabbed my hand, pulling me over to the nearest table after I had given my order. He sat down across from me and immediately pulled out his phone, not saying a word.

I looked around, waiting for him to start up a conversation. After a few moment of silence, I decided to start it, "So, Shawn, how was your day?"

He ignored me and kept looking at his phone. I asked him another question, hoping to get him to talk.

"So, um, are you sure you don't want anything to drink? The caramel frap is really good."

Once again, he ignored me, before my order was called out.

"Caramel Frap for (y/n)!" The cashier called out.

Shawn and I got up and walked over as I pulled out a few bills from my purse.

"Here you go, princess. A caramel frap along with my number," he winked at me, "maybe we could hang out sometime."

I glanced down at the paper with his number written down in black ink, and then back up at him, "Yeah, thanks."

Shawn rolled his eyes, fists balled up at his sides, jaw clenched, as he pushed the door open, heading back towards the car.

I sighed, quickly waving goodbye to the cashier before running after my angry boyfriend.

"Shawn!" I yelled, watching as he quickly got in the driver's seat, slamming the door shut as I climbed into the passenger's seat.

"Shawn, whats wrong can you please talk to me?" I begged as he crossed his arms over his chest, cheeks flushed a bright red, a prominent vein running along his pale neck.

He kept his eyes on the road as he drove back home, his grip on the steering wheel tightening, knuckles turned white from the pressure he exerted.

When we got home, Shawn quickly got out and went inside and into our room, shutting the door on me as I ran behind him.

"Shawn, please open the door, baby, talk to me!" I jiggled the doorknob, before realizing he had locked it.

After banging on the door and calling his name multiple times, he finally opened it.

"Thank you!" I walked into the room as he sighed, "Now, please tell me why you ignored me at the coffee shop and all the way home!"

"Please, (y/n), you act so innocent, and as if you have no idea what you did back there!" He yelled at me, his eyes turned an inky black as he stared at me, his face flushed a bright red, fists balled up once again.

"I-I really don't know what I did, Shawn, I just-"

"You were flirting with the cashier and you know it!" He cut me off, rolling his eyes as he paced angrily around the room.

"I wasn't, I promise-" I tried to speak before getting cut off again by his loud and enraged voice.

"Okay, well how come you didn't say anything when he flirted with you! Come on, (y/n), I was standing right there!" He clenched his jaw, talking through gritted teeth.

I looked up at him, "I-"

"It's not even just this once," he continued to explain, his hands flying up in the air frustratedly, "you flirt with every guy you see!"

I stayed silent, realizing it wasn't even worth arguing with him.

He sighed, "Just forget it, (y/n)"

He started walking out of the room and down the stairs, headed for the front door.

"Wait, Shawn! Please!" I tried to stop him, but my efforts were useless.

"I said, forget it," he turned around and yelled in my face, tears beginning to form in his eyes.

"Im sorry, (y/n), I cant be with a-" he looked around thinking about what he was going to say.

But, I knew it. I knew exactly what he was going to say. He knew it would kill me on the inside if he were to say it.

"A what, Shawn?" I whispered, my voice barely audible.

He clenched his jaw, staring me straight in the eye as he cleared his throat, running a hand through his messy quiff.

"He wouldn't," I thought to myself, "he wouldn't say it."

"A slut," he muttered, and with that, he slammed the door and left.

edited this one cause it was shit lmao still is, but i cringed every time i re-read it, soo, hopefully i made it a bit better...


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