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"Come on, Shawn! Let's go!" I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the flood of teenagers.

"Just stay with me, okay?" He pleaded.

I rolled my eyes at how overprotective he was.
"Shawn, its a highschool party. I'll be fine."

Irritated, I let go of his hand and headed over to grab a drink.

Shawn followed me into the kitchen as I poured myself a few shots.

"(Y/n), please don't drink too much. I think you-"

I slammed the shot glass on the table, stopping him mid sentence.

"What Shawn? What do you think?" I said angrily.

"(Y/n), please calm down." He said quietly.

"Shawn, I'm fine! You just keep controlling me and following me around! I'm not a child, I know how to take care of myself!" I yelled at him.

I regretted the words the instance they left my mouth.

Shawn blinked a few times and slowly began to walk in the other direction.

"Shawn I-"

"Forget it (y/n)! Go do whatever the hell you want." He said, waving me away.

"Fine. I will." I shot back angrily.

I returned to the kitchen and took a few more shots, the liquor burning the back of my throat.

The thought of Shawn being mad at me made my heart hurt, but I decided to forget about him tonight.

I threw one more shot down my throat before walking back into the sea of people dancing in the living room.

Someone grabbed my hand and pulled me in, placing their hands on my hips.

The alcohol took over me as I was now grinding my hips on this stranger as he moved along.

"Let's finish this upstairs." He whispered in my ear, his breath smelling of alcohol.

I threw my head back into his chest as he kissed my neck, grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs.

"(Y/n)!" I heard someone call.

I turned around to see a face I didn't want to see tonight.


"Go away!" I yelled.

"No, (y/n)! You're drunk, please come back down here with me!" He pleaded.

"Hey shut up!" The guy holding on to me yelled at Shawn.

"Yeah! Leave me alone. I can do whatever the hell I want, like you said!" I slurred at him.

Before Shawn could persuade me to return to the crowd, the guy pulled me into a room.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me into his chest, grabbing my ass and leaving wet, sloppy kisses all over my neck.

Something came over me as I tried to push him away.

"Can we just g-go back downstairs?" I asked.

"Noo come on baby, spend a little time with me." He begged, pulling me towards the bed.

My heart started racing as I tried to get out of his grip. My efforts were useless as he was much stronger than me.

He pushed me down on the bed as I struggled to get up.

"P-please don't." I said, a tear slipping down my cheek.

"It wont be that bad, pretty girl." He whispered into my ear, kissing down my neck.

He began to strip me as I cried and sniffled, begging him to stop.

"(Y/n)! Are you in there?" I heard a voice as the person banged on the door.

I could recognize that voice anywhere.


"Yes!" I yelled out. "Please Shawn, help!"

"Shut up!" The guy yelled at me, covering my mouth.

I continued to scream at the top of my lungs, only for my voice to come out in a muffled sound.

The door broke open as Shawn ran in, pushing the stranger to the ground. I still didn't know his name.

Shawn grabbed me and ran down the stairs as the guy yelled out a string of profanities at the two of us.

He brought me outside as sat down in the grass, with me on his lap as I cried into his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

I nodded my head.

Shawn moved a piece of hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear.

"I-I'm s-sorry." I said, letting out a shaky breath.

"For what?" He whispered, "you didn't do anything."

"F-For not listening t-to y-you." I replied, crying even harder.

"Shh it's okay, breathe. Don't worry." He said, kissing my forehead.

"I love you, Shawn. T-Thanks for protecting m-me."

He smiled at me softly.
"Of course, thats what I'm here for."

Thanks for 8k!!! This book is gaining reads so fast It makes me so happy you guys like it! And thanks for 200 votes aswell! Love you guys!


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