The Boyfriend Tag

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A/N: This imagine is for @emmalee1D. Hope you like it!

"Hey guys, it's Emmalee and today I'm going to be doing the boyfriend tag with my adorable boyfriend, Shawn Mendes." I smiled into the camera.

"Hey!" Shawn leaned closer to me, getting in the frame of the camera and smiling really big.

"Okay," I pulled out my phone, "let's start."

Shawn peered over my shoulder to look at the questions, pulling me onto his lap as I giggled.

"When did you guys meet?" I asked the first question, looking over at Shawn for his answer.

"We met over a year ago, March 14, 2014." Shawn smirked at me, impressing me with his knowledge and remembrance of the exact date.

I nodded my head and smiled at him.
"Good job."

"What is my favorite restaurant?" I asked again.

"Hmm," He thought about it for a minute, "Red Lobster?"

"No! Shawny, how could you forget? I always ask to go here!" I playfully smacked his arm.

He laughed and rested his head on my shoulder.

"I'm just kidding, baby. It's Olive Garden." He smirked at the camera.

"Good job, next question."

I wrapped my free arm around his neck, playing with his hair as he kissed my cheek.

I blushed and looked down at my phone, reading the next question aloud.

"What is my eye color?"

I quickly turned in the opposite direction, shielding my eyes from his view.

"That's a question?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah, why?" I responded, still covering my eyes.

"That's way too easy! That's one of the first things a guy should notice! If a guy doesn't know his girls eye color, he's a bad boyfriend." Shawn ranted.

"Okay, well your answer will determine whether or not you're a good boyfriend." I giggled.

"Easy. Brown. I'm the best boyfriend." He smirked again, kissing my neck.

I uncovered my eyes and pecked his cheek, staring into his soft caramel colored eyes.

"Yes, you are."

He flashed a smile at me, and gave me a flirty wink as my heart melted.

"Okay, last question. What is your favorite thing about me?" I asked, resting my head in the crook of his neck.

"Oh god," he started, "that's a really hard one. Well, I love your face Emmalee, you're the prettiest girl I've ever laid eyes on. Everything about you is perfect. I love the way you blush when I tell you something sweet. The way your eyes light up at a joke or a surprise. The way your lips form a perfect smile when you get happy. I love all of it."

I found myself unable to stop smiling at Shawn's thoughtful words.

"And, I love your personality," he continued, "I love your corny jokes and craziness. I love the way we stay up all night watching tv or telling each other our biggest secrets. I love your ability to make others laugh or smile; you're kind-hearted. I love your willingness to try new things. Emmalee, you inspire me each and every day." He gushed.

My vision because blurry as tears were brimming my eyes. I grabbed Shawn and embraced him in a tight hug.

"I adore you, Emmalee."

Hope you liked it! Thanks for reading guys☺️ leave some comments i love hearing your opinions or jokes hehe.


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