You've Got Me

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"Shh," I quieted my five-year-old, taking her hand and leading her down the hall as she leaned backwards, still trying hard to get a glimpse of the front door.

"Daddy," she whined, shutting her eyes. I sighed, leaning down and picking her up, gently rubbing her back.

"He'll be home soon, let's get to bed, babe," I whispered. She simply nodded once more as I entered her bedroom, flicking on the light.

"Wait," she mumbled, "I want water."

I nodded, grabbing her hand again as we made our way to the kitchen. The soft pattering of the rain against the window calmed me down as I grabbed a glass from the cupboard, filling it up with cold water.

"Here, sweetheart," I smiled weakly, glancing up at the front door while I handed her the drink.

"Can I have a snack too?" She brushed her brown hair out of her face. I responded with a quick "yes," before opening the snack cabinet.

The silver knob of the front door jiggled slightly, both mine and my daughter's eyes darting towards the sound.

"Daddy!" She squealed as Shawn stumbled through the door, kicking his shoes off. His eyes were bloodshot red, face drained of color, his pale, pink lips sealed shut.

He remained silent as she grabbed the leg of his jeans, tugging on it while he made his way to the couch, collapsing onto the leather seats.

"Daddy," she mumbled again, standing between his legs as he scowled, harshly shoving her away. Her small body fell to the floor, tears brimming her eyes as I ran to the living room.

"Fucking stupid kid," he muttered, running his hands through his hair.

"Shawn, what the hell!" I screamed, picking her up off the floor as she rubbed her teary eyes. Shawn glanced up at me, his eyes filled with anger, clearly showing no remorse for his behavior.

"You're drunk again, aren't you?" I bit my lip, setting the child back on the floor as Shawn stood up, his figure was much larger than mine.

"Shut up," he shoved me, my back hitting the wall with a loud thud as our daughter winced in fear.

"Daddy, stop!" She cried, tugging on the hem of his shirt as he pushed her off again, using much force.

"Stop touching me!" He shouted, "Can't you see I don't like you!"

Her lip trembled, tears built up in her eyes as Shawn pushed past the both of us, muttering a few words in anger along the way to the bedroom.

I rubbed my shoulder as the little girl ran back to me, clutching onto my legs in fear. I slowly made my way into the bedroom, as she followed beside me, a tight grip on my hand.

"I want to go back to my old life!" Shawn shouted, a prominent vein protruding from his neck as he raged on, "I hate being here, I hate you, and I hate that stupid kid!"

There was a brief moment of silence as I took in the hurtful words Shawn had spat at me. I turned to the dresser, grabbing my car keys.

"What are you doing, mommy?" Our daughter cried as I ignored her question, continuing to slip my shoes on.

"Fine, Shawn. If that's what you want, I'll go," I mumbled, grabbing the child's hand and opening the front door, "I'll be back for my stuff tomorrow."

"Get out," were the last words he mumbled as I slammed the door shut, walking to my car in the pouring rain, my baby girl on my hip.

I opened the door and set her in the back, buckling her in before sitting in the driver's seat. I took in a deep breath, burying my face into my hands, giving myself a moment to recollect.

"What about daddy?" A small voice piped up from the backseat as I turned around, taking her hand in mine, rubbing small circles on her skin. Rain continued to beat against the windows of the car as we both sat still in the driveway.

"We don't need him, baby girl. I've got you, and you've got me." I mumbled, giving her a soft smile, "We're gonna make it."

sorry for the lack of updates omfg & i know numbers don't matter buT this book is a little over 100k away from 2M which is INSANE so thank u my hunny buns((: & thank u for putting up w my horrible updating schedule as well lmao i love u all❤️


P.S. - go follow me on instagram if u haven't !! it's shawnsdoll

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