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A/N: This imagine is for @shawnaffffff, hope you like it !

"Hi, Lexi," Shawn called softly as he walked through the front door.

The familiar sound of his footsteps were heard throughout the house.

I sighed as he walked up the stairs, entering my room and taking a seat on the bed.

He placed his hands on his thighs, gently sliding them down to his knees as he looked at me in fear and sadness.

"Please, baby girl," he choked out, his voice shaking as he spoke, "talk to me."

I ignored him, turning my head to the side and looking down at the bedsheets.

My eyes remained fixated on the wrinkled sheets, but my mind was preoccupied by another matter.

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" he whispered, tears filling his eyes as he took in a deep breath.

"Sorry can't fix everything, Shawn," I mumbled, biting down on my bottom lip in attempt to control the tears threatening to escape.

"I know, baby, but I'm really sorry this time," he gently grabbed my wrist.

Uncomfortable by his touch, I wriggled my hand out of his grip, folding my arms over each other.

"You can't just have sex with another girl and come back to me begging for forgiveness. I'm sorry to say it, Shawn, but that's just not the way it works," my lip quivered ever so slightly, a tear slipping down my cheek.

"God, I'm such an idiot," he breathed, looking up at the blank white ceiling.

"I don't think I can do this anymore," I shook my head, "I can't take this kind of pain, Shawn."

"No, baby girl, we can work this out, w-we can fix this," he sobbed, wiping his arms as he moved closer to me.

"Shawn, you just keep hurting me, I can't stand feeling like this," I shook my head, my lips going dry.

The feeling of his body this close to mine disgusted me, knowing it had been against another girl's the previous night.

"I never meant to hurt you, baby girl," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

"You ruined this, Shawn!" I cried, raising my voice and standing up, "you ruined us."

"Please, baby girl," he pleaded, standing up and moving closer to me, "don't leave me."

"So you can just make love with another girl, and come back to me, and I'm supposed to stay and be fine with it?" I yelled, tears pouring down my face.

"I didn't love her," he looked down at the shiny wooden floor beneath his feet, biting his lip.

"As if that makes anything better. My boyfriend goes around having sex with other girls just for fun!" I yelled, shaking my head in astonishment.

"I-I didn't mean it like that, I just- I want to go back to the way it was, before I messed up," he sobbed.

"Well you know what?" I breathed, grabbing my car keys off of the small hook beside my dresser, "I don't."


"No, Shawn. I'm tired on waiting for you to get your shit together. Don't call me or come after me," I licked my lips feeling the salty taste of my tears.

"But I-"

"I'm done with you. Have fun with the rest of your life," I nodded, taking in a sharp breath.

"Lexi, baby-"

two more days of school & im dONE PRAISE GOD !!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡

-ur main bitch😛

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