Please Don't Tell

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A\N: requested by @mshawnpeterraul. hope u like it!!((:

My hands intertwined with Shawn's, his sweaty torso up against mine as we danced together in the center of the venue, strobe lights flashing everywhere.

"Let's get some more drinks," Shawn giggled, letting go of my hands and slipping an arm around my waist, leading me to the bar.

I chuckled as Shawn ordered us a few shots, his body leaning forward on the counter, his biceps flexed slightly in his white button down. Sweat had seeped through it a bit due to the heat of the room and the numerous bodies surrounding us on the dance floor, making his shirt cling to his sculpted chest.

I took one shot, letting the alcohol sting my throat a bit as I followed it with a gulp of coca-cola. I wasn't much of a drinker, and only indulged a bit when Shawn and I went out to events like these. Shawn, however, enjoyed the feeling of getting a bit drunk, and took a few more shots.

He shook his head at the aftertaste of the alcohol, before grinning with satisfaction. I laughed at his expression, putting both hands on his hips and pulling him towards me.

"You're gonna regret that tomorrow morning," I chuckled, resting my head against his chest as he ruffled my hair, leaning down to kiss my cheek.

"Probably, but I'm just having a good time, babe," he laughed. "Come on, let's go dance!"

And with that, we were back on the dance floor, his hips grinding against my backside, large hands gripping my waist and his lips on my neck. I enjoyed moments like these -- adrenaline pumping through my veins, my head spinning slightly, and a never fading smile.

Shawn turned me around, his hands feeling me up as I wrapped my fingers around his biceps straining against the fabric of his shirt.

"Kiss me!" He yelled over the loud music, before putting both hands on either side of my face, his lips crashing onto mine. His tongue tasted of bitter alcohol as it collided with mine, yet the feeling of being so intimate in public excited me.

As the night went on, Shawn was a giggling mess, slurring his words and continually touching me. I knew he was drunk at this point, and although his behavior was both completely adorable and amusing, I hailed a taxi to take us back to my apartment.

"Why are we leaving, babe?" Shawn pouted as I sat him in the taxi, his tall figure still towering over me as we sat side by side in the vehicle.

"You're drunk, baby," I laughed, caressing the hot, pink skin of his cheeks, "it's time to go home."

"I don't wanna go home!" He whined, jutting his bottom lip out, his eyes filling with tears, before one slipped down his face.

"Oh, baby, don't cry!" I laughed and pouted at the sight of my twenty-five year old boyfriend quietly crying in my arms. "Come on, Shawn," I wiped his tears, leaning up to kiss his cheek, "don't cry now, baby. We're gonna go home and cuddle and drink lots of water and have a good time, okay?"

He sniffled, nodding. Shawn's hand reached for mine and I squeezed his palm before playing gently with his fingers.

"Can we, um..." he trailed off, sniffling again and leaving me waiting for him to finish.

"Can we what, baby?" I asked quietly, reaching up with my free hand to push back the strands of his brown hair falling delicately across his forehead.

"Can we have sex?" He asked bluntly, yet softly, his brown doe eyes staring straight into mine, with puffy cheeks and swollen, pink lips. I burst out laughing again, before Shawn stopped me.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked in all seriousness as we pulled into the driveway of my apartment complex. I opened the door before going to Shawn's side and helping him step outside. We walked hand in hand towards the door, but once again, Shawn stopped me, this time to pick something out of the grass with his free hand.

"Look, it's a buttercup," he giggled, holding the thin stem of the small, yellow flower between his large thumb and index finger. "You look cute today so you can have this cute flower."

I smiled, thanking him and holding onto the gift before bringing him inside and up to my apartment. Opening the door, I sighed in relief and brought him into my room, sitting him down on my bed.

"Stay here, I'm gonna get you some water, okay?" I gently rubbed his thigh as he nodded, staring at the hardwood floor, furrowing his brows.

I left the room, grabbing a glass from the cupboard and filling it with water. When I returned to my bedroom, I saw a shirtless Shawn laying down on my bed, his jeans at his ankles and he struggled to get them off.

"Babe, what are you doing?" I set the glass down on the bedside table and stared at him.

"But I-I thought we were having sex?" He pouted, as I started laughing again. "Please?"

"Not tonight, Shawn," I laughed as I handed him the glass of water.

"But I'm so horny, baby," he whined like a child, crossing his arms, "and you look sooooo hot in that dress."


He took a sip of the water and closed his eyes as he spoke. "Yeah. And babe, listen to this, listen to me," he slurred as I refrained from laughing at his cute drunken state, "you looked so hot, like sooo hot I just, babe, I just wanted to-" he stopped himself, biting down on his lip and making a fist. "I probably shouldn't say," he shook his head, "mom wouldn't approve of me saying stuff like that."

I smiled and shook my head, rolling my eyes at him. Shawn set the glass down on the table and got under the bedsheets. It was quiet for a few moments and I stripped down and got underneath the sheets along with him. I shut my eyes, hearing Shawn breathe softly next to me.

"Psst," Shawn whispered, "I was gonna say you looked so hot I just wanted to bend you over and pound into you, babe. Oh my god, please don't tell my mom I said that."

hope yall liked it skdkdksj


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