Chapter Two: Stalkers

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Before we knew it, Jane and I was due a gas stop. We pull off the interstate and stop at a small gas station, Lee and Forest pullling in behind us.

As Jane pumped gas, I went in to pay and get snacks. Soon to be followed into the store by Forest.

I went to the back and grabbed a Gatorade, a bag of doritos and a blue poweraid. I set them on the counter and Forest smiles, "Who's is whos?" I said, "The Gatorade is mine, the rest is Janes." With a laugh Forest says, "Now I know what to get you on our date"

With a faint smirk I said, "You won't ever have to worry about that." I paid the cashier and walked out, putting the stuff in the Jeep.

When I heard Jane scream, "Are you crazy? No way!" And Lee replied with, "It's a great idea, let's ask Forest and Danelle!"

I thought 'oh lord, what now?' As I walk over to them. I smiled and said "ask me what?"

With forest by his side, Lee says, " let's switch partners, Forest and Jane, and me and you."

I died laughing, "Are you crazy?" Lee smirks, "I'll let you drive the mustang." My face brightened instantly, and I said "okay I'm in!" As I snatch the keys out of his hand as he dangles them above me.

So, I got my things from the Jeep and settled into the drivers side of the Mustang. I plugged my phone into the AUX cord and started playing rap music. Lee settled into the passenger side, picked up my phone, and went to change the song.

I glared at him, "Don't you dare, this is a good song!" A wicked smile came across his face, and he changed it. I snatched my phone and put it under my thigh.

I took a drink of my Gatorade and pulled out of the gas station behind Jane and Forest. We got onto the interstate, Lee and I jamming and singing, when I said, "Lee, can I ask you something?"

He smiled, "Sure?"

I said, "How did you guys find out what condo me and Jane are staying in?"

He looks nervous, then says, "Don't tell Forest I told you, but LeAnn told us."

'Leann' I thought. Leann is mine and Janes best friend, and she was suppose to come with me and Jane but canceled last minute. "Okay, and I won't tell Forest" I say to Lee.

I think, 'she's so smooth, I wander if that's why she didn't come?' About that time, my phone started ringing. I let Lee answer it because I was driving.

Jane comes over the speaker screaming, "When can we change partners?"

Lee calmly says, "Next gas stop, why?"

Jane screams, "I'm gonna hurt Forest, he doesn't shut up and he's so annoying!" Lee and I died laughing. Janes voice comes through the speakers, obviously not amused like me and Lee, "I'm serious."

I compose myself and say, "Forest, if you want to live to see Cali, you better behave!"

Forest replied laughing, "okay!" And hung up Janes phone.

I shake my head as I change gears, "Lord have mercy, we should've known they couldn't ride together."

Lee laughs, "they'll survive" I nod, "hopefully." And turn the music back up.


Chasing California Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora