Chapter 35

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When we got back to the condo it was about 3:00 pm. I went into my room and changed into some blue jean shorts and a lace crop-top.

I walked back towards the living room when I heard Lee and Forest talking. I know it's wrong to eavesdrop but, who could resist?

Forest said, "I'm just having a hard time controlling my wolf. He wants nothing else but to mark her. I just want her to be ready."

Lee replied, "Man, you have to give her time. She's human. She doesn't have a wolf pushing her like you do. Have you talked to her about this?"

Forest sighs, "No, I don't know how to bring it up. Do I just say, 'Hey my wolf wants me to sink my teeth in your neck is that okay?' No. I can't do that."

Lee laughed, "Man, I'm sure you'll figure it out."

Forest said, "How did you get Jane too?"

I froze right there. Jane let Lee mark her? No way. And she didn't even tell me about it?

I turned around and walked straight to her room. I flung the door open, and glared daggers at her. I smirked, "So you finally did it huh?"

She looked shocked, "What are you talking about?"

I sighed, "You let Lee mark you and you didn't even tell me?"

She laughed, "Lee didn't mark me."

I looked at her like she had 3 heads. "Jane don't you lie to me."

She was dying laughing, "I'm dead serious Danny, I would've told you if it happened."

I shrugged, "I'm sorry Jane, I should've asked." And we both died laughing.

We were laying on our backs on her bed dying laughing for no apparent reason,when Lee and Forest came in. We quickly sobered up and just looked at them.

Lee looked at us suspiciously, "What are yall laughing at?"

I stuck my hand up, "habla lamano porque tu mama necistita un hombre."

Lee laughed, "What does that mean?"

Me and Jane died laughing, "Talk to the hand cause your momma needs a man!"

And there we all were, laughing like hyenas until we couldn't breathe.

Forest grabs my hand and pulls me into our bedroom. He closes the door and turns around to face me.

"We need to talk."

*a/n Tricked ya! Lol, comment and vote please it is very much appreciated!"


Chasing California Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora