Chapter 54

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Forest came running into the room, "Danny? Jane?"

"Yeah?" We chorus.

"You guys need to go to the safe house. Now!" He screams.

"What's going on?" I ask running down the hall after him, Jane hot on my heels.

"Rouge attack, I'll explain later. Just don't leave this building until I come get you." He says, opening a door for us.

"Okay." I nod.

I look at Jane, as big tears stream down her face.

"Jane, they'll be okay." I assure her.

"How do you know?" She whimpers.

"Just gotta have faith, Jane." I say rubbing her arm.

Since me and Forest have mated, I've noticed our mate bond is stronger.

Way stronger.

I want to be with him every minute, and him being gone, and possibly getting hurt-

No. I can't think about that.

I started pacing the room. When Jane grabs her stomach and hits her knees in pain.

"Jane?" I scream rushing to her.

"Somethings wrong Danny. Somethings very wrong." She cries.

I felt a sharp pain in my right leg. It felt like an animal bite.

Then it hit me.

"Jane...we're feeling our mates pain." I whimper.

"We've got to help them!" She cries out.

I nod and walk over to the door. I open it up to find a war of werewolves.

I spot forest with his midnight black coat and sparkling blue eyes easily. I run to him, when something grabs my shirt....or someone?

I whip around and punch them square in the nose, and take of running to Forest.

Jane is with Lee and he is protecting her, it looks like the war is almost over.

When I was a foot or two from Forest I felt something pick me up, with more force than the first time.

I yelped out, so I'd catch Forests attention.

I turned around, and drop down to avoid a blow to the face.

They wanted to fight me? I'm not even a werewolve!

I stood up quickly, I'm the mother of this pack and I'll fight if I have too.

The wolf changes back into human form. I'm looking at a girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes. I recognize her instantly.

"Becca?" I ask in confusion.

She only nods and swings at me again, she missed and I kicked her legs out from under her.

Watch her eyes danny. I hear Forest say through the mindlink, he sounds in pain.

'Where are you?' I ask back.

'At the pack hospital.' He replies

I block the link so I can concentrate on Becca before me. Knowing that all my pack members are safe now.

She circles me, then lunges for my leg. I quickly side step, making her tumble over.

She rolls to her feet again, this time snarling at me.

I swung my left fist, busting her lip.

She spits out some blood and says, "Alphas gonna like you."

"Alpha?" I sneer back.

"Alpha Tyler." She replies before lunging for me again.

She missed again.

"Too bad Alpha Tyler isn't going to get me, isn't it?" I sneer out before head butting her and knocking her out.

I was wiping my hands on my jeans when I hear someone yelling at me.

I whip my head around to see Chelsea. Screaming something I can't comprehend.

I feel a slight pinch on my spine, and I see flashes of Forest and me together at California. The best memories I have.

And then everything goes black.

*a/n sorry for such a short chapter, but the next one will be better, I promise!*

Chasing California Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora